The Kobold Temple of the Unholy

Leuthilspar Tales – Part III

Since I am probably done with Kobold Village for now, I thought I would add the description from the room directly below the three kobold sentries and directly above the Tako demon, the high level, deadly monster that lives deep below Gwark’s town.

This is the secret temple of the dark kobolds.  A secret sect of kobolds still worship the primal magics of their ancient past; dark rites are practiced here which even the kobolds themselves had outlawed as their civilization moved on.  The temple is a huge cavern, carved out in the depths below Gwark’s settlement.  The walls of the cavern are made out of the bones of kobolds which have been spirited away down here to be sacrificed to the demons which the high priest invokes from the dark magic.  The air is chill with the presence of evil.  A large, dark pit in the cavern floor gapes to the east of here, a huge and dominating presence.  Across from the pit, through the gloom of the cavern, you think you can see a giant altar of sorts.  It looks possible to climb down into the pit, though why one would want to is boggling.  One can follow the temple walls around the pit to the north and south of here.

Did you catch this sentence?

It looks possible to climb down into the pit, though why one would want to is boggling.

That is all the warning you get not to climb down into the lair of the Tako demon.  Welcome to the age of MUDs, where a seemingly innocuous phrase can mean life or death.

I do like that the kobolds have a dark past alluded to in this description, making them perhaps a bit less comic that their Azerothian brethren:

A secret sect of kobolds still worship the primal magics of their ancient past; dark rites are practiced here which even the kobolds themselves had outlawed as their civilization moved on.

You no steal candle or we’ll summon up something nasty!

5 thoughts on “The Kobold Temple of the Unholy

  1. Andrew

    I did my fair share of zone creating in my day, and admit to alluding to death trap rooms with text like that…..

    Cruel? Yeah…. but back then we were used to it, and actually read the room descriptions as we adventured. (At least until we knew a zone.)


  2. Pingback: West Karana » Daily Blogroll 10/8: Inappropriate Birth Metaphor edition

  3. Xyd

    Andrew, you need to go write for TorilMUD. Or, at least, you could go clean up the myriad half-complete zones and quests they have. My elven being longs for what “could be” in Faerie Forest and the Elemental Glades!


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