The War in Delve Ends… For Some of Us

I didn’t lose my job.  It is still there.  Just when I go to the office now, there is somebody else doing it.

-Some comic in the 80s

There is still a war going on in Delve against the remains of SoCo.  Just when I go there now, somebody else is fighting it.

The news last night was that TEST asked its friends from the north to… well… go back to the north.

Endie, the chief spokesman for Goonswarm, a man with a gift for turning a phrase, put up a post reviewing the relationship between Goonswarm and TEST and how TEST, now the biggest holder of sovereignty in the game, wants to stand on its own two feet.  Look at all those systems TEST now owns.

How TEST stands compared to other alliances.

Alliance with 100 or more systems

This 150% jump in sovereignty came about after TEST blew the Horn of Gondor and brought down the legions of the north to drive SoCo out of Delve and Querious.  (And, effectively, Period Basis.)

And we came.  We came and we did our very special blob-tastic thing with relish and enthusiasm and blatant disregard for losses, driving the enemy before us in despair and causing them dock up and decline battle more often than not.

But now that we have accomplished that particular mission, TEST would like to take over.  They would like to play in their new domain, tend their garden, have good fights, and generally not have our Hodor fleet op style scaring off all of the game in their new preserve.

As Endie put it, “The Boatman… has no “medium” setting.”

TEST is not ungrateful.  They have their own public statement, posted by DurrHurrDurr, that also reviews the history of their relationship with Goonswarm. (This is one of those great things about EVE, history is held close, cherished and remembered. It isn’t something that falls away with new expansions or the long wait in between them.)

We will secure our legacy. We’ll start our own foreverwar with the mouthbreathing peasants of the South and the cockroaches of -A-. We’ll start our own family with our Honey Badger bros, and though this means we might spend more time with our waifu PL and adorable little children 99 and Tasha (now known as Tribal Band) we will not forget the lessons and support given to us by our GSF brethren. Though she might fret from afar and worry herself sick about our future, Mother Goon understands that this is something we need to do.

And so we are done, for now, in Delve.

There is, naturally, some disappointment at this turn of events.  I count myself among those letting out a wistful sigh at the thought of all those potential battles we will be missing.

Like others, I was looking forward to pushing operations into Catch in the hope that -A- would put up a fight to defend those systems in a way that they failed to do in Delve and Querilous.  I like fleet battles and going on operations to take systems or save towers.  I like to be part of a mission with a purpose beyond getting a few kills. (Though I do love me some kills… or at least enough to demonstrate I was there.)  I would have gladly gone along with an epic, night after night meatgrinder operational tempo, win or lose.

But according to The Mittani, who apparently shopped the region around to both friend and foe, nobody would want to take Catch off our hands and live there if we conquered it.  Something about never being able to get the old -A- smell out of the place.  And we are not going to take Catch simply to hand it back.

So it is back to the north.  Back to occasional roams and gate camps.  Back to the rare moments of excitement when a homeland defense fleet is called or one of the OTEC techmoons needs to be defended. (Though we’ll see how that cartel holds up with the planned changes.)  Back to ratting and mining.

I am, however, keeping a jump clone and the ships I purchased down in Delve in an NPC station.  This is TEST we’re talking about.  There is a reason they feel they have something to prove.

In the mean time, things have been awfully quiet in Jita, haven’t they?

7 thoughts on “The War in Delve Ends… For Some of Us

  1. SynCaine

    In a way, SoCo sorta wins here. Yes, they lost space against the horde, but they knew going in that was going to be the case. You are not going to win a war against someone who greatly outnumbers you AND can replace countless whelp fleets. But now, with this move, they can beat TEST back and ‘win’. Or, they bloody up TEST, TEST calls the Goons yet again, and all this “stand on our own” talk is thrown back in their face.

    Only way this ends badly for SoCo is if TEST continues to beat them, and… well. TEST.


  2. Mbp

    I don’t understand the politics of who is allied to whom but is a Test versus Goon war a future possibility? My naive reading of Hurrdedurr and Mittens comments thinks they might be planning something just like that.


  3. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    @SynCaine – I suppose, if you want to take the blue sky “we win because we didn’t lose worse” point of view. It is hard to paint the loss of three regions as a win in any way. And it certainly taught people what an alliance with -A- is worth. -A- might come out feeling smug because they didn’t lose territory, only allies, but other members of SoCo, like Red Alliance or Nulli Secunda, not so much.

    And if you read the TEST post, it is going to be TEST and their close allies, which includes Pandemic Legion. The reason SoCo formed in the first place was due to the tactic of TEST getting themselves cornered, only to have PL hot drop capitals on the fight. TEST bait, best bait. Expect more of that.

    @MBP – No, a TEST/Goon war is unlikely in the extreme in the foreseeable future. They have too much history as allies. “Reset TEST” is an ongoing joke, but not a current strategy.


  4. Barix

    It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a ship out in New Eden, but I’m still enough of a history geek to crack a smile at Goonswarm controlling exactly 109 systems. Some things you never quite live down.


  5. stnylan

    As regards Goon/TEST ever going at it hammer and tongs … unlikely for the time being – but shared history hasn’t stopped some major betrayals/reversals of alliances in the past.

    I think if nullsec remains increasingly static some sort of falling out increases – if only to stop both sides tearing their hair out in boredom.


  6. flosch

    So, is TEST going to give some of their systems to another friendly alliance? I have zero knowledge about how this works in detail, but it seems an awful lot of systems for an alliance that prefers to project an image of itself as an unorganized pile of people, 90% of who don’t know what they’re doing.


  7. flosch

    Hm, listening to the Alliance Tournament stream, hints point to maybe Tribal Band moving in with TEST as subtenants?

    Guess we’ll see.


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