Merry Christmas

Artwork provided by my daughter, who said it was okay to post despite our very sad Christmas Eve.

Santa at Play

Santa at Play

Everybody should have a happy holiday if they can.

Self-portrait of the artist

Self-portrait of the artist

8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. Brian 'Psychochild' Green

    I’m very sorry for your loss. I was personally heartbroken when I read your previous post, and I’d be an absolute mess if it happened to one of my cats.

    On a positive note, those are great pictures. Looks like you have an artist on your hands. Tell her to keep practicing and working at her craft.


  2. bhagpuss

    Great pictures! Wishing you as merry a Christmas as circumstances allow. Thanks for sharing the photos and stories of Fred – he sounds and looks like he must have been a real character.


  3. Helistar

    Merry Christmas, even if a day late.
    As a cat lover myself (3 cats + I’m a volounteer at an animal shelter), I understand your pain.


  4. Anders

    In the orter hand Christmas is a time were you as a family can come together and support each other. Christmas is also a time when a lot of new things and plants come into the house, very interesting if you are a curious little cat. Your story got me thinking and made me clear out a lot of stuff from my home. I have 4 cats waiting for me at home, and I was heartbroken when I read your post.


  5. Syl (@Gypsy_Syl)

    Nevermind my late response, I’d like to echo Brian and say I was gutted reading the post about your cat. :( our own two cats are a central part of our life, our companions and buddies, so I feel your loss. I hope by now the sad weight of Fred’s unexpected passing has started to lift for you and your family, however slow it might be.


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