Login Rewards Return to EVE Online to Celebrate the Equinox Expansion

One of the “features” of the Equinox expansion on Tuesday was the removal of the daily login rewards.

Equinox is here – Seize Something

Login rewards showed up back in 2018, which doesn’t feel like that long ago until you look at the calendar and realize it is 2024.  I think I mocked their arrival and now I guess I’ll turn around and mock their removal… if only because I didn’t get all the SKINs they were handing out.

Daily rewards have been rerouted to the AIR Daily tasks where you can now earn more rewards for more days of completing them.  No SKINs to be had, but things for the SKINR stuff.

AIR Daily tasks get longer term goals…

So for a full day there were no login rewards.  And then, after that brief pause, CCP sprang some new daily login rewards on us to help celebrate the Equinox expansion.

Equinox login rewards

In with the usual skill points and boosters are some items related to the new SKINR mechanics added to the game with Equinox.  I’ll have more to say about that once my first SKIN is done cooking.

So login rewards are not dead and gone.  Instead it looks like they will still show up for events.  And first up is a seven day campaign… which lines up nicely with the 7 days of free Omega time currently available in the in-game store.

Seven Days of Free Omega Time

Unless, of course, you have an Alpha account and cashed in the Omega time on the first day, the day before the login campaign started.  Then you’ll only get to claim six of the seven days as an Omega, causing you to miss out on that last 75K skill point injector.

That seems like a very New Eden trick to play on us.

I lucked out, if only because I was too lazy to login any of my Alpha accounts because the launcher lost all my account data a couple weeks back… again… and some minor amount of work was involved with getting them setup again.  Once again, my lifestyle choice pays off, as my alphas will get all the Omega rewards.

3 thoughts on “Login Rewards Return to EVE Online to Celebrate the Equinox Expansion

  1. Archey

    I bet someone said “daily tasks will be just as good as login rewards and cause more engagement”, and someone else said “they won’t even login to engage without login rewards” and so they decided to wait and watch the numbers … and person 2 was right.


    1. Anonymous

      I checked the new daily tasks, they’re not worth the effort to log in an alpha account. I used to do the “kill 5 rats” type dailies when they had them. Now you have to kill 25 rats twice, and for that you get 5,000 skill pts. I want my 10 seconds back that I wasted looking at that screen.


    2. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

      And kill 25 rats isn’t that bad. You can get a security mission that will get you that and a bit of ISK and a few LP pretty quickly.

      It is the “salvage 15 rats” with alpha clone salvaging skills, which means you have a success maybe 1 in 3 times… because an empty salvage run doesn’t count… that will start to wear on you quickly.


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