Daily Archives: June 16, 2024

Are You There Copilot? It’s Me, Wilhelm

It has been quite a year or so with AI and the absolute hype storm around it seems to have held on, if the headline count over at Venture Beat is any indicator.  And yet I feel like, in the last year, my opinion of AI, and the vibe I sense in the world, has only been trending down.

AIs thinking about video game questions… drawn by an AI

There were a lot of things a year ago that made AI feel like it was on the cusp of some transition, like just a little more tuning and it might be turning out full motion video or answering questions in a useful and authoritative way.

Instead it still doesn’t seem solid on how many fingers… or even hands… a human being has and has been suggesting that you should up your daily rock intake or thicken your pizza sauce with glue.  Non-toxic glue, but still… glue.  Fortunately we’re all too smart to take that seriously right?  RIGHT?

Seriously, you can Google this…

Sometimes I think we get the technology we deserve.

One can hope the hype bubble will end some time, but if the last few years are any indicator, the tech news meta will only move on when it discovers the next big thing… and we’re not their yet I guess.

And somebody is going to say that these sorts of things are outliers and they could be fixed… but they don’t get fixed and the implementations so far have not demonstrated any great value achieved so far.  Is AI worthwhile if you have to have humans proof read everything because it can’t get simple points of fact right?

Anyway, I’ll believe AI is worthwhile when tech companies stop investing in it and big corporations start spending real money on it.  That is the test of value in the end.  Something is only worth what somebody is willing to pay for it.

Enough editorializing… it is hard to stop, because after decades in Silicon Valley I can see the AI crash coming… and on to more serious stuff, like asking AI questions to see what answers I get back.

This one is going to be a repeat.  A little over a year ago, in a fit of AI interest, I was comparing answers from ChatGPT, Google Bard (now Google Gemini), and Bing AI (now Copilot) to see how they did relative to each other and reality.  In one of those posts I asked a very important question:

Who is Wilhelm Arcturus?

Well, it was kind of important to me, in a self-validation way I guess.  And I got answers from all three.  They all knew who I was  Now, a year later, I return to those same three AIs with the same question.  What do they say about me?

  • ChatGPT

The one time champion at responding to my questions… or at least the AI with the best GPA from my arbitrary grading system… which a year ago gave a brief but reasonably accurate summary of me based on online data.  What did it have to say about me now?  Well..

Wilhelm Arcturus isn’t a widely recognized figure. It’s possible that someone with that name exists, but without further context, it’s difficult to provide specific information about them. If you have more details or context about who Wilhelm Arcturus might be, feel free to share, and I can try to provide more relevant information!

Today, today ChatGPT doesn’t know me, and no amount of prompting could tease anything more.  I tried to narrow it down in various ways, but nothing seemed to help.

Who is Wilhelm Arcturus the video game blogger?

As of my last update in January 2022, there isn’t a widely known video game blogger by the name Wilhelm Arcturus. It’s possible that this person could have become more prominent in the gaming community after that time or within certain niche circles. If Wilhelm Arcturus has gained recognition as a video game blogger since then, I wouldn’t have that information.

Believe me, if I had any recognition at all, it was before 2022.  ChatGP seems to have forgotten me.

And what has caused it’s amnesia?  I suspect a lawyer… or a pack of lawyers.  After a crazy period late last year when an AI had the audacity to suggest that a prompt asking for something like an “American Patriot” could produce an image or description of somebody with a darker skin tone, something that drove the MAGA crowd to howls of outrage, all the AI companies dialed back what the AIs would respond to, especially with regard to possibly living individuals.

So it goes.  ChatGPT has gone Charley Gordon on me.

  • Google Gemini

Likewise, Google’s Gemini AI was reticent to come up with anything about my online persona.

I do not have enough information about that person to help with your request. I am a large language model, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions, but my knowledge about this person is limited. Is there anything else I can do to help you with this request?

Last year it was willing to spin a wild tale about me, where I went to school, along with some other interesting, if completely untrue, “details” regarding myself and my life.

  • Microsoft Copilot

Finally, there was BingAI, now known as Microsoft Copilot, which has been unleashed at my office, where Microsoft products are the defaults and most machines only have the Edge browser installed.  Copilot at least had heard of me when I asked it the same question.

Wilhelm Arcturus is known in the online gaming community as “The Ancient Gaming Noob.” He is a blogger and video content creator who shares his experiences and stories from various online games. He has been writing on his blog for over five years, documenting his adventures in games like EVE Online, World of Warcraft, EverQuest, and others1. Wilhelm Arcturus is not his real name, but a pseudonym he uses online1.

He has a history of involvement with online games dating back to 1986 and has played several titles by Kesmai, a company known for its role in the MMO genre1. Additionally, he has created videos related to his gaming activities, such as his year in EVE Online in 2021, where he participated in a war that resulted in over 2 trillion ISK in value from 902 kill mails2.

You can find his content on platforms like YouTube, where he shares his gaming experiences and insights234. Wilhelm Arcturus also has a presence on social media platforms like Twitter, where he shares his opinions about video games5.

At least that is something, though it does seem oddly focused at points… like my being on 902 kill mails in 2021.  Over on my stats page on zKillboard I show being on 988 kill mails, so I was curious where that number cropped up.

Copilot offered some suggested follow on questions, which leapt on, starting with this:

Tell me more about his EVE Online experiences.