Daily Archives: June 2, 2024

Meme Sunday – Unnecessarily Harsh Memes about CCP Projects

Rebeard over at Parallel Context has been doing a regular Meme Monday feature.  It has been a busy week and I am not feeling it for a post today, so I put together some memes about various CCP projects.  Also, I am doing it on Sunday just to get in ahead of him on the week.

  • EVE Online – The Classic

The earliest and most true meme about the learning curve in New Eden.

Unchanged for 21 years!

No lie detected here.

  • EVE Echoes – Will Money Buy Happiness?

EVE Echoes at its heart

The last bit I heard about EVE Echoes was that it was going full cash shop insurance and ship replacement mode… and I haven’t heard anything since.  Cue the argument about it not really being a CCP game.

  • CCP Shooters – The Progression

As sure as the sun rises in the east…

How is started…

I am sure this ongoing progression will stop this time around… right…. RIGHT?

  • EVE Vanguard – Best Possible Result

Taking the shooter meme to the next, this is what success will look like.

But we won the ISK war!

Even if CCP gets things just right, I mean absolutely perfect, they’ll be lucky to go beyond this spot on the podium.  The fact that they have joined the game with EVE Online so that they can co-mingle revenue and expenses is not a sign of confidence… though it does appear to be a sign that they want a shooter so badly that they’ll drag down their one video game success to get it.

  • EVE: War for New Eden – So many pieces on the board

I tried for a bit to summarize game play when the Kickstarter campaign was going… and it was a lost cause.

Before you buy any of the expansion packs…

This may be me not being a board game geek… but I’ve also tried to play Ticket to Ride in a house with cats and you can guess how that ends.

  • Project Awakening – It will surely work for us!

In a world where blockchain games all die on the same set of problems, Project Awakening arrives.

The classic from Arrested Development

I am sure there is another joke in there somewhere about the name of the show, Arrested Development, and working on a blockchain project.

  • EVE Valkyrie and the VR Initiative

Probably my least specific… but still it felt about right.

That slow, sinking feeling

There is a reason I have never bothered to make categories on the site for anything on the list besides EVE Online.

Anyway, that is what I have for Sunday.  We’ll see if I ever do this again.