Tag Archives: Nordstrom

Quote of the Day – Insulting Nordstrom

If you want to sell a whole bunch of units, that is certainly a way to do that, to sell a whole bunch of stuff at a low price. The gamemakers work incredibly hard to make this intellectual property, and we’re not trying to be Target. We’re trying to be Nordstrom.

-David DeMartini, head of EA’s Origin Digital Distribution Platform, on how Valve’s policy on sales and discounts is bad for everybody

I am not an Origin customer, nor do I plan to be one.  That is primarily because of the badly handled customer service I have read about concerning Origin and EA.

So, EA, if you are shooting to be Nordstrom, a store that is able to charge a premium based on the perception people have of their quality and customer service (has anybody here not heard the snow tires story?), you have a long way to go.

Frankly, I would rate Target’s reputation and customer service far above Origin’s as well.

Try harder, Origin.

Much harder.

Addendum: And then EA changed tits collective mind and said Costco-like discounts are a good idea after all!  They still seem to be failing on that whole customer service and reputation thing though.