Tag Archives: PlayStation 2

DC Universe Online Launches Today

January 11th is launch day for SOE’s massively multiplayer super hero game DC Universe Online, at least here in the United States.

It will go live Friday in Europe.  Something about Tuesdays being launch days in the US and Fridays in Europe.

Everybody is always going on about console MMOs… well, a few people do talk it up once in a while… when they are bored…

But now somebody has done something about it.

Well, done something about it again.  And with super heroes this time.  That could be a winning combo.

This is the second console MMO title for SOE, the first being EverQuest Online Adventures which came out on the PlayStation 2 back in 2003.  It is their first, and maybe the first, PlayStation 3 MMO title.

Being part of the larger Sony corporation, you would think that SOE would have the inside track with the PS3.  Instead, SOE managed to get a Mac OS version of Free Realms out while the promised PS3 version is still somewhere out in the future.  March 11?  We’ll see.

DC Universe Online is also available on Windows.

Of course, if you were in the beta and don’t think you’re going to end up playing DCUO on your PC, SOE might have the last laugh on you.

The uninstaller is broken!

Well, it is for some people.  I must have wandered into the beta after they fixed it, as it cleaned up okay for me.  Or maybe the problem does not manifest itself Windows 7?

No, the shame of it is the  tech support response.  May you also get a personal note from the community manager if the uninstall doesn’t work for you.

Anyway, congratulations to SOE for finally getting another console MMO out the door.