The Ruby Sanctum and the Denouement of Wrath Classic

Denouement is one of those words I picked up in my 7th grade lit class that I tend to misuse and abuse.  As such, I think we really got the meat of any denouement, the wrapping up of story threads and pulling things together, as part of the previous patch, the Fall of the Lich King, which dropped back in October.

The Ruby Sanctum is the last gasp of the expansion.  There is no more content to be released between now and the pre-patch before Cataclsym Classic.  The Ruby Sanctum, if I want to push things, is probably the denouement of the denouement of Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

The classic comes to classic

I still have things to say… I still have things to do… in Wrath Classic before that pre-patch comes.  But the last of the content will arrive today, January 11th, at 15:00 Pacific Time (23:00 UTC) if all goes to plan.  And then, in the chamber below the Wyrmrest Temple, a new raid will open up.

Somewhere down here…

So for a short time the dedicated, completionist raiders we gather at the Wyrmrest Temple to take on the last raid in the expansion.

I know for non-raiders there is some trepidation with the coming of Cataclysm Classic.  There is a feeling that the “classic” era is over and witnessing the destruction of vanilla might be a bridge they do not care to cross again.

But, for a brief flash before that there will be people queuing up and active in Wrath Classic again.  Dalaran and the Wyrmrest Temple will see short return of players.

Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight

When that it is over it will just be the stragglers and those looking to maybe get one more Wintergrasp run in while it still has any population at all.  Then we await the cataclysm.

1 thought on “The Ruby Sanctum and the Denouement of Wrath Classic

  1. arhanta

    They took old, established, carefully-crafted areas, each with their well-known (and occasionally beloved) stories, character, and memories – and replaced them with giant scars, destruction, generic ‘corruption’, and pop-culture references.

    Of course, some like it. Some will like almost anything, and it is their right to enjoy it. But overall, Cataclysm was a mistake, and even Blizzard, with their questionable judgment, aknowledged that by never trying to do such a thing again.

    There is value in keeping our WoW yesterdays alive. In real life, we do not have such a luxury. The world we were born into does not exist anymore – and when the Azeroth of our low-levels was taken from us too, something broke inside us. We woke up, realizing we live in a made-up world, and ever since, things never felt the same.

    Don’t mind me, I am old. This, too, shall pass.



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