The Cataclysm Classic Pre-Patch has Arrived

My addons need to be updated and my joyous journeys xp buff is gone, the Dalaran portals are all gone save one, and I have to figure out how to spec into six character at or close to level cap. Wrath Classic is now waning, but at least we’re on the road to the next thing.

Can you re-run a cataclysm?

I can now fly around Stormwind and Ironforge… for just a couple hundred gold no less.  That is not nothing, even if the city is a shambles and the old world has been redone and every good old dungeon has been sliced up into easy to digest bits.  But I wasn’t going to go re-run those anyway, I am moving forward.

We have all sorts of things, from new races to guild perks to archeology, to reforging to transmog to account-wide achievements.

Some of them are a little odd… not like I remembered them or straight up different than they were back in the day and called out in the patch notes.

There have long been complaints about WoW Classic not being pure in one way or another, not being a true return to the old game.  Often that has been about details that only the diehards would likely notice, though there have been the occasional dumb call outs for things that never were.  Some days it boggles the mind.

But getting into Cataclysm Classic it feels like not only have we passed out of the true “classic” era, but even Blizz is now willing to make some changes from the strict retro path.  Probably for the better, and we are talking about Cataclysm, one of the most controversial expansions in the history of the game and not one that many people get choked up with nostalgia about.

I have one last character to get to level 80 before the whole thing goes live… though I have three weeks to get from mid-79 to 80, so I am not exactly stressed.  And I have five other characters at level cap, so I’m covered no matter what.

I’ll get around to summing up how Wrath Classic felt at some point soon.  But the change is upon us.  Time to move forward.

Addendum:  Also, a bunch of things seem broken or wrong.  I am told a bunch of issues from the beta that were reported were clearly not yet fixed.

For example, after my first visit to the ink vendor with my inscription character, the currency changed to the Cataclysm ink, which you cannot yet make, which means I have to go whip up inks for the updated glyphs the old fashioned way.

Also, didn’t Cataclysm have launch events back in the day?


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