Level 45 at Last in Pokemon Go

Our house has finally hit level 45 in Pokemon Go.

The game lets you download a nice little graphic on levels now

My wife and I both hit the xp requirement to go from level 44 to level 45 in Pokemon Go at some point back in March.

However, with the ten levels added to the game… was that really back in December of 2020… they also added a set of tasks you need to accomplish before you can progress to each new level.

A lot of the tasks are fairly easy if you just put in some effort over the course of the level… and aren’t even that hard if you wait until you’re almost there and then try to cram them in.  For example, level 43 required some wins in the Pokemon Go League, most of which I did legitimately… and then I cheesed the last few, exchanging wins with my wife, because I am not a big fan of the league.

To exit level 44 you needed the following:

  • 13,000,000 XP
  • Defeat 100 Team Go Rocket grunts
  • Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
  • Defeat a Team Go Rocket leader 50 times
  • Collect 10 Platinum medals

The xp… is just xp.   It takes time, but it accumulates.  And, at the other end, 10 platinum medals… I had already earned those.

Team Go Rocket grunts are pretty easy too.  They now show up in a balloon a few times a day over your location, they are pretty easy fights for the most part… if you have built up some strong Pokemon at least… and you get to catch a shadow Pokemon after each battle, which you can then purify.

That will get you 100 and 100 with just a bit of persistence… and you can hurry it along if the balloon isn’t showing up fast enough by going some place where there are a few Pokestops.  You will often find a grunt haunting one of them that you can fight.

The slow bit was the Team Go Rocket leaders.  While you only have to defeat 50 of them… half of your grunt count… they also are considerably more rare.  They don’t just show up.  You need to have a Rocket Radar equipped, and to earn a Rocket Radar you need to defeat 6 grunts, each of which will yield a component that can be combined into said radar.  The radar is consumed after defeating a leader, so you have to start over again with grunts.

So my gut impression of the requirements was that the task should have been 300 grunts (and purify 300, because why not if you’re there already) because you would have to fight that many grunts to get the radars you would need.

My second take was to remember that they sell Rocket Radars in the cash shop and that this was an attempt to hook some whales.

Yours for just 200 coins each

My wife and I, while okay spending some money on the game now and then, are never going to be in the category of whale, so we did it the old fashioned way, which meant finally unlocking level 45 about two months after we had hit the xp threshold.

Now we’re working our way to level 46, which has its own set of tasks.

Between me and level 46

None of those are particularly onerous.  I read up on how to make excellent throws and, while I can’t do them on demand, I now hit them a lot more often.  The 30 eggs will likely be the last one finished, and that mostly because I don’t think I have sufficient incubators to get enough done in parallel.

One thing about getting stuck in one level is that you continue earning xp, so I am already past the half way point on that front.

Just some xp, no big deal

I don’t think only having half a level left is going to hinder my tasks, though that might be a thing in some upcoming levels.  For example, to get out of level 47 you need to walk 25km a week for 8 weeks.  That doesn’t seem like much, but I have never hit that mark with Pokemon Go… not so much because I don’t walk, but because I don’t always have my phone on me and I don’t always have the game open… and adventure sync, which is supposed to get your steps from the health app, is not all that reliable.

But that is a ways off.  Lots to do between now and then, so I’ll walk across that bridge when I get to it.

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