Tag Archives: Raspberries

I Do Not Like Raspberries

It is true.

I have disliked the flavor of raspberries my entire life.

I do not like them fresh, I do not like them as jam, I do not like them as a filling between layers of a cake, I do not like them as a sherbet, I do not like them as a flavor in iced tea.

I won’t go near a jelly doughnut with a red colored filling, because it always ends up being raspberry.

I don’t like things with artificial raspberry flavoring.  This is in contrast to coffee, as an example.  I love almost everything that is coffee flavored… except for actual coffee.

I’m not even fond of the color, even when applied to berets.  But I am going to guess we’re getting to the point where negative flavor association is spilling outside of its reasonable domain.

Do Not Want

I disliked their flavor as a child and, unlike many other things I disliked at a young age, there has been no mellowing to mere ambivalence with the passage of time.

I will eat all the peas or green beans or squash that are put on my plate, but will still let sit or actively avoid anything with raspberries.

I like other berries.  Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries… I wouldn’t even mind a coat from Burberry.

But raspberries are not on at all.

Yet despite this ongoing and intense dislike of mine, raspberries remain a popular food item.  I find myself to be in a pretty small minority with this particular dislike.

When I mention my dislike, people often feel the need to offer up suggestions thinking that perhaps I just haven’t had raspberries in the right context.  I am willing to bet that somebody will miss the real point of this post and come to the defense of raspberries in the comments.  You watch.  It will happen.  And not even in an ironic way, but a true, heartfelt defense of the noble raspberry.

But even feeling as I do, with many years of raspberry hate built up, here is something I never do.  Even when trying to politely decline a slice of some child’s birthday cake which has a mass of raspberry filling dripping out from between the layers and which has a scoop of melting raspberry sherbet sulking there next to it,  I never say anything like this:

Honestly, I don’t get why people play grinding MMOs. Why do you put yourself through that kind of hell? Why do you keep dolling out your cash to these companies that keep making crappy unimaginative games?

Really.  I wouldn’t see the point.