Free Realms Inspired Family MMO Raises Seven Dollars on First Day

The upside for Wonky Seasons, should they be able to carry this first day momentum, is that is that their Kickstarter campaign is trending to raise a grand total of $109.


The bad news is that if this trend continues, it will only get them to 0.13% of their $85,000 goal.

Looking pretty happy considering...

Looking pretty happy considering…

Okay, I am being snarky or sarcastic… or maybe both.  Heck, I couldn’t tell you for sure if Free Realms was their inspiration.  This is all they really say on the subject:

Wonky Seasons started because it’s creators saw how the closure of a popular family MMO game affected it’s players. We followed many stories of kids that were heartbroken and the big void the closure of this game created.

While the characters in the logo made me think of the now shut down Free Realms, they could as easily be referring to the dearly departed Toontown Online.  Or it could be some other game.  So take your pick.

I am not bringing this up to be hurtful or to have a joke purely at their expense… though that will probably get them some attention, which they desperately need… but because this sort of thing almost makes me weep for the almost boundless sense of optimism that this sort of project requires and how it is going to get smacked down by the harsh reality of the world of game development in general, and MMO development in particular.

Just last Friday I was bemoaning the fact that the Project: Gorgon Kickstarter campaign seemed unlikely to succeed largely, I felt, because it had little name recognition.  No major media outlet is clamoring for an interview with Eric Heimburg just so he can promote his new Kickstarter.  But Eric Heimburg at least has standing in the MMO game developer community and has worked on actual MMOs that have shipped, are still running, and could be considered successful… not to mention actually having a working alpha version of his game that you can download and try before you decided whether or not to kick in any money.

And with all of that, he only rolled out of the gates on the first day with $4,500 of the $100,000 he is looking to raise to hurry up the production of his game… a game that is already a tangible thing you can play.

In that context, what chance does a team with no standing and no game development experience listed have showing up with no fanfare and looking to build momentum and get the ball rolling after they have already started the clock on their campaign?  It isn’t like they are making something that will capture media attention or is likely to go viral.  Another MMO?  Who needs that?  We’re looking for the next potato salad campaign. (Which, depressingly, brought in more than Eric Heimburg’s first Kickstarter.)

So what do you tell somebody who sends you a note asking you to please do a post about their Kickstarter campaign?  Being one of a dozen or so messages in the blog inbox, I nearly passed over it.  I only looked at it because it was flagged to indicate it was sent from the feedback form on the About page here at TAGN, which meant somebody came here and pasted it in themselves rather than just using an email spam service.  And I only decided to do a post because… seven dollars?

Do you tell them to give up, go home, get a real job?

I don’t know.  I don’t know what they really have.  I don’t know where it may end up.

All I could recommend is that they get themselves a copy of It’s a Long Way to the Top by AC/DC… I am partial to the Jack Black version at the end of School of Rock… and to play that loudly every time life comes around to kick them in the teeth as they try to move this project forward.  If they want to get this done, they’ll be listening to that song a lot.

You can find their Kickstarter page here to read all about the project.

8 thoughts on “Free Realms Inspired Family MMO Raises Seven Dollars on First Day

  1. bhagpuss

    You have to start to ask at this point whether Kickstarter is the best way to approach funding some of these ideas. Project:Gorgon has $10k pledged so far. We don’t know what it may have by the 28 September when the Kickstarter ends – it could be a substantial amount – but if it’s less than $100k it might as well be nothing.

    I pledged $25. I’s not a lot but, unlike the $40 I pledged to Brad McQuaid’s Pantheon, I would be happy to give that money towards P:G’s development outside of a Kickstarter. I know the game works. I know it’s something I would play if it got “finished”. I have already played it

    The ironic part is I can play it now, for free but I can’t pay for hat privilege even if I want to. I would be prepared to buy a small alpha or beta package for the $25 I am pledging, something along the lines of the access packages the big guys sell us for Landmark, ArcheAge, Trove and the rest.

    Kickstarter is a gamble. It’s win or lose, all or nothing. Even if it pays off, as we’ve seen with a number of projects, there can still be problems. I guess it’s always worth giving it a go – who knows if your little idea might not be the next Star Citizen – but as a business plan it’s up there with putting everything on a horse.


  2. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    @Shintar – Yeah, I though about including that Smed quote. Instead, if you click on the Free Realms link in the post, it brings you to my post where I quote Smed’s very words on that point.

    And before Jenks kicked in, they were up to four backers for a combined total of $13. They clearly need to reach a more spendy demographic. I am pretty sure, given the progression, that somebody was in for a buck. A buck.


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