The Shadow of the TTT and Other Updates

I might as well end up the month with one more post about one of New Eden’s biggest stories this month, the collapse of the Tranquility Trading Consortium and the destruction of the Tranquility Trading Tower Keepstar in Perimeter.

For those wishing to catch up on the story so far:

First off, one might ask if the destruction of the TTT Keepstar was really that big of a deal.  Sure, it was a high sec Keepstar, but a lot of Keepstars have died over the years at this point.

You can debate as to whether it was or was not a big deal, but CCP seems to think it was.  This week they put up a landmark to the once mighty TTT Keepstar.  Now, in Perimeter you can find the wreck of the TTT, broken and dead and shrouded in a cloud of vapor made up of the atmosphere that escape the structure as it came apart.

Remember the TTT – Once it was anchored here

It is quite the display from both front and back.

The back of the TTT wreck with the reddish nebula sky box

As a landmark it should appear by default on your overview, so you can go visit it up close if you want.

The info box for the landmark doesn’t have much to say about the wreck, its history, or the significance of its destruction, but I assume CCP will get to that at some point.

The current TTT landmark details

They need a good description up before EVE Travel does a post about the site.

As for the other TTC structures… the statement from Vily was that they would all be unanchored and taken away.  That hasn’t really come to pass.  One TTC Sotiyo in Maurasi was blown up by The Initiative, but the rest are just hanging about, business as usual.  The Sotiyos in Perimeter, specifically, are not being unanchored.

One might wonder if the TTC was really dead or not.  Even the TTC Discord server, which Vily said we be shut down in 7 days back in the 16th, is still around.

Why haven’t Goons killed the TTC Sotiyos in Perimeter?  Is this them covering for the fact that they still have a Sotiyo in Ashab?  The hypocrisy of Goons was being paraded around due to that Sotiyo.  However, Goonswarm Federation made it their high sec war headquarters and it was blown up earlier this week.

There is a battle report for the fight, though it being high sec near a trade hub means there are a lot of randos on both sides of the chart.  Basically the first five organizations on each side in the summary header were the forces that mattered.

Ashab battle report header

PanFam and Fraternity didn’t show up for the TTT fight, but a chance to blow up a Goon structure under what is effectively a cyno jammer was too much for them to pass up.

The destruction of that Sotiyo, because it was the GSF war headquarters, means that the war against the TTC was concluded and cannot be resumed for two weeks.  So we couldn’t go out and shoot those Sotiyos in Perimeter even if we wanted to.

Meanwhile, in Perimeter, as expected, some people have been setting up some new markets to try and lure the lucrative PLEX market with lower taxes than Jita 4-4.

PLEX in Perimeter

PLEX is pretty safe, since you never actually have to travel with it.  You just put it in your PLEX wallet, go where you want to sell it, take it out of your wallet, then list it.

So that is the way things seem to be rolling in the post-TTT world.

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