Tag Archives: Tokelau

Much Panda Phishing of Late

The WoW related phishing scam of the moment… because there always seems to be one going at any given time… is related to the Mists of Pandaria beta.  I have been seeing a lot of these in my inbox over the last few weeks.  They seem to be coming in at the rate of at least one a day here.

It is safe to click on this one…

And, as with higher quality phishing attempts, it looks good, isn’t full of typos or malformed English, and all of the visible links are legitimate.  But if you click on that PLAY FREE NOW button, you get sent off to worldofwarcraftqrt.tk or some other similarly bogus URL.

Of course, since I already have access to the Mists of Panda beta via the one year commitment deal, there wasn’t a chance that I would fall for this.  Plus they keep coming in on an email address not associated with my Blizzard account, always a warning sign.

Oddly, all of the bogus URLs I have seen are for the .tk top level domain, which apparently has a reputation for being scam and spam central.  I wonder how the ~1,500 people in Tokelau feel about that?