Quote of the Day – The Power of Fallout 4

Starting at 5am traffic began to drop, down as much as 10% from 7am till noon. In the afternoon traffic returned to normal, but after 6pm it dropped again when we assume that 9-5 workers arrived home and fired up their games.

Pornhub post, Fallout 4 Causes Fall in Traffic

That’s right, the Fallout 4 launch was so big that the internet’s biggest porn site felt it.

By the way, that link itself is safe for work, but it goes to the freaking Pornhub domain, so what do you imagine your wife/boss/IT department will think you’re doing?

Even he doesn't think you're there for the articles...

Even he doesn’t think you’re there for the articles…

Remember, this is the internet where, at one point, a research team needed a group of young adult males who had never “consumed” any porn for control group for a study … and came up dry.  They couldn’t find anybody who met that criteria.

Lest you think that Fallout 4 changed the internet for good however, there is also this quote from the same post.

After midnight it seems like everyone finally took a break, and traffic jumped as high at 15% above daily norms.

A little something to take the edge off and help you get to sleep after a long evening of gaming?

7 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – The Power of Fallout 4

  1. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    @kiantremayne – I don’t think BlizzCon is a big enough event to cause a noticeable change. There was certainly no mention of it on their Pornhub Insights column, where they write about usage stats like this.


  2. kiantremayne

    Drat – there was a whole line of jokes about the perceived image of WoW players being basement-dwellers whose love lives are, umm, non-grouping content that will now have to be binned due to lack of supporting evidence :P


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