Daily Archives: October 21, 2023

GM Week Returns to EVE Online and They have Run out of Bots to Bash

GM Week is one of the annual traditions of EVE Online where the GMs get out and do events with the players, and it is back for 2023 with an odd change.

GM Week 2023

One of the highlights of GM Week… for me at least… is the Yulai Bot Bash, where GMs summon in capital ships from accounts that have been banned for botting so that players can blow them up.  I have a couple of posts from past events with pictures of the fun.

The Leviathan recovering from the doomsday shot from another bot

For 2023 the GM Week announcement includes this paragraph:

Traditionally, one of the most popular activities of GM week has been the super fun Whack-a-Bot event, where pilots have gotten the chance to bring their wrath down on bots in Capital and Super-Capital ships. In a whopper of a first-world problem, Team Security has been so effective of late that the pool of bots to whack is now virtually non-existent. As such, the Whack-a-Bot event will be laid to rest and replaced with ships populated by Game Masters, old and new, giving capsuleers a chance to score some juicy loot and even juicier corpses!

The war on bots is working I guess.  There is some skepticism about that claim, but that is what they are rolling with.

On the bright side, there will still be a Whack-a-Bot event on Monday, October 23rd at 16:30 EVE time.  But the post does not mention where.  I ASSUME it will be in Yulai as usual, but the post lacks that seemingly critical bit of information.  It could be in Jita for all I know.

There will also be the GM & ISD fleet roam on Thursday, October 26th at 17:00 EVE Time as well as orbital stashes to find, the scavenger hunt, the armed pinata hunt, and other contests.

So get ready for GM Week starting on Monday.  I don’t know where the Bot Bash replacement will be, but I will keep an eye out.  And if I find my way to the event, expect some more screen shots.
