Daily Archives: October 26, 2023

The Headless Horseman’s Mount Finally Obtained

It is a Hallow’s End miracle!  Finally, after years of trying, running the Headless Horseman instance as many times a day as possible at every Hallow’s End, the mount FINALLY dropped for me… in Wrath Classic at least.

I queued up as usual in the morning this past week with Wilhelm, queued as a tank and DPS as usual.

Wilhelm is absolutely a tank

The instance popped almost immediately.  The group burned down the horseman in short order, which is what I have come to expect.  The Headless Horseman himself had another one of the caster’s rings.  But there, in the loot filled pumpkin, were the reins to his mount.

I had never seen this before… also, another broom

We had been joking earlier in the week that I wasn’t even positive as to where the reins dropped.  Having not gotten them after so many runs it remained a nagging doubt in the back of my brain that maybe *I* was doing something wrong.  Usually, once per year, I will dig around the instance site just to make sure there isn’t a mount hiding behind a bush, like the legendary pony at the bottom of the pile of manure.

So I clicked on it… I got the bind warning, which I approached carefully, lest I spook the mount and ruin the whole thing.

Don’t confuse me with decisions!

My paranoia that I might blow this opportunity, as difficult as that might objectively be, was palpable.

I clicked Okay, and there it was in my collection of mounts.  Another Azeroth bucket list item achieved.

Then I got back to Dalaran, where I immediately tried to get it out, only to find myself thwarted.

In an odd twist, the last big patch made all flying mounts count as ground mounts.  You can mount them up in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms and ride them around as ground mounts.  That happened in retail back in the day as well, though in a later expansion.  The problem is that Dalaran itself isn’t simple an area where there is no flying, it is a “no fly zone” so you cannot bring out a mount that allows flight.

So I had to run out to the flight point to mount up.  Then it was up in the air for a ride around the city.

Flying on the Headless Horseman’s mount at last

This will no doubt be the high point of Hallow’s End for me.

At one point I was about set to declare that if I got this mount then my WoW Classic paladin would officially become my main WoW character.  But I am pretty sure that is the case now anyway.

Now how do I get my BlizzCon pets over to WoW Classic before Mists of Pandaria?

Addendum:  Then, the next day, it dropped for me on another character.  Two in one Hallow’s End after a decade plus of fails?  I suspect they have upped the percentages to keep Wrath Classic players happy.  If so, it worked for me!