Daily Archives: March 2, 2024

Pokemon Go Now Lets You Use a Lucky Egg at Friendship Milestones

I wrote previously about the angst and frustration at trying to time friendship milestones in Pokemon Go.  These can be the biggest single xp events you have in the game and using a lucky egg will double the amount of experience you get… if you time it right and don’t mess it up.

Pokemon Go – Since 2016

The fact that my post about this one of the most popular posts I have written in the last year based on search results indicates that I am not the only one who felt this might be an issue.

You want the big xp, pop a lucky egg in time!

However, Niantic has apparently heard our frustrated outburst when somebody becomes a best friend and you find you’ve forgotten to pop that lucky egg to make the most of it.

This past week I noticed a few updates with the game, the biggest one being the button I saw last night on a friendship milestone.

Use a lucky egg? Yes Please!

There is now a big button on the alert that allows you to use a lucky egg and apply it to your milestone, even displaying how much additional xp you will get for it.

I am sure this will benefit Niantic in that it will drive lucky egg sales from the shop, which will, in turn, drive coin sales.  But for this change I don’t care.  As a player lingering in the mid-40s, these friendship milestones are a big deal for leveling up.

In addition, Niantic also put in buttons when you use a revive or a heal that allow you to “revive all” or “heal all,” which can be very handy after you have done a few raids and are catching up to your group.  It also lets you use up all those lesser heal potions quickly rather than just trashing them for taking up too much storage space.

Of course, the ways of the Pokemon Go client are strange.  I had the new revive and heal buttons show up days ago in my client, but my wife doesn’t see the in her app.  However, she saw the “use lucky egg” option.  So if you don’t see any of these today, you should see them soon.  Just hope you don’t miss a friendship milestone while you wait.

And then there is the “two steps forward, one step back” aspect of things.

Niantic has messed up the daily streak tracker in the app.

Which day am I on?

When you look at that, have I completed the two day 6 activities?  It looks like it.  Or maybe it is day 7 now and I have not done that yet.

But no.  In this screen shot I have done the catch but have yet to do the spin on day 6.  Can you see any diffence between the two rows?  Because I can’t.

This at least once caused me to use a lucky egg thinking it was day 7 during the big streak bonus they had going recently.  The big streak bonus is gone, so no more 40K payouts on day 7, doubled with a lucky egg if you remembered and were not fooled by the UI, but the steak indicator still needs to be fixed.

The worst part is that this bit of the UI used to work fine… then they broke it.

So it is in Pokemon Go.