Daily Archives: October 21, 2006

Hope for an SOE Podcast Web Site

When I put up the announcement that the Official SOE Podcast #5 was available, I also commented that the SOE Podcast should have its own web site within the SOE heirarchy of sites.

I wrote a note to their feedback address and just got this response last night:

Greetings Mr. Mac,

Thank you for the feedback on the SOE Podcast. We hope you enjoyed it! We are currently working on building a home for the Podcast.  We hope to have information about it soon!

Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske
Community Relations Coordinator
Sony Online Entertainment LLC

So I may very well get my wish. 

Of course, in podcast #5 they also said they were going to an every other week schedule and it has now been two weeks and a day….