Daily Archives: August 23, 2015

Project: Gorgon – In the Final Stretch of the Kickstarter Campaign

This time around the Kickstarter experience for Project:Gorgon has been much different than the last two times around the block.  The campaign has been a success and with about a half a day left to go, things look good.  If you want to peek in, or get in at the last minute, you can find the campaign here.

ProjectGorgonLogoI was anxious about this campaign when it kicked of 29 days back.  The goal, just $20,000, seemed modest.  But in the first run, which asked for $55,000, the project only got $14,000 in pledges.  And while it passed that amount during the second campaign, getting $23,000 in pledges, that was nowhere near the $100,000 goal.

So, as things kicked off this time around I couldn’t get myself to see even $20,000 as an easy mark to hit.  And doubly so because things started rather suddenly.  There wasn’t much in the way of build up or fanfare, and the start/end times for the campaign seemed sub-optimal.

But the goal was hit just eight days into the campaign.  The game seemed to get far more favorable coverage than during previous runs and enjoyed a small following in the blogger community.  The development version of the game   Now the pledged amount stands beyond the $65,000 mark, more than triple the initial goal, and the various stretch goals seem secure.

  • $25,000 Stretch Goal – Unique Backer Mount
  • $30,000  Stretch Goal – Exclusive Backer Character Race: Dwarves!
  • $35,000 Player Instrument Expansion
  • $40,000 New Player Skill: the Bard!
  • $45,000 Project Gorgon Soundtrack
  • $50,000 Advanced Guild Features
  • $55,000 a Completely New and Unique Animal Form
  • $60,000 Unlocking the ancient curse of the Vampire
  • $65,000 Unofficial, Official Stretch Goal: Party Pack!

And the base of supporters is wide enough, at nearly 1,200 people, that the risk of somebody backing out at the last minute and bringing things down.  The loss of one huge backer has brought down at least one campaign I read about of late.  There is only one backer at the top tier, with a $3,000 pledge.  The bulk of the backers are down in the $25 to $50 range.

Soon this campaign will be in the past and we will have to see how this money affects Project:Gorgon and if this project can hit its target launch date, which is currently December of 2016.