Daily Archives: February 17, 2023

Friday Bullet Points as EVE Online Goes All In on Photon UI

It is Friday again and time for some bullet points about things in EVE Online.  There were a few things that popped up this week that I want to wrap up into one post.

  • The Photon UI

The big news of the week was Tuesday’s update that saw CCP make the new Photon UI the only option in the game.  The final transition is upon us.

This is now the only UI

This, of course, made some people angry.  But literally anything CCP does or does not do makes somebody angry.  however, while some people just seemed to be generally against change, a few had some legitimate gripes.

The transition certainly surprised me.  I had been using the Photon UI since December, when it had reached a sufficient amount of usability for my needs.  It isn’t perfect.  It still feels slower or less responsive that the old UI, and especially so under tidi, but it works and looks good and will get better over time.  I thought they might wait a while longer.

The thing is, having two versions of the entire UI is a huge pain in the ass for the developers.  Having two versions of the map in the game… that is easy by comparison.  Not much touches those… even the players.  But every change in the game can UI impacts and having to keep two of literally everything is something any sane dev team wants to stop doing ASAP.  So I get it.  We made the transition.  I just hope the team will keep working on refining the new stuff.  It has some rough edges still.

So as of this week, it is just the UI.

  • Financials

Pearl Abyss announced their Q4 2022 financials, which is covered well enough over at TNG that I won’t go into any depth.  I will not that, measured in KWR revenue was down, but measured in USD, revenue was up.  Funny that.

Also, Pearl Abyss isn’t done throwing money at bad Web3 ideas.  Stop trying to make Web3 a thing.

  • Earthquake Updates

The PLEX for Good Campaign for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria still runs through this weekend and into Monday, so there is still time to donate.

PLEX for Good

Various people have been looking for ways to raise more for the cause, including CCP Convict who is auctioning off a rare Ishukone Watch Scorpion SKIN, which old hands will remember was the source of some drama back in the day.  The current bid as I write this is 45 billion ISK, which will be turned into PLEX and donated to the campaign.

  • Pink SKINs

Also, because of Valentine’s Day the New Eden store has some PINK SKINs for sale.

I remain convinced that the best SKINs in the game are the ones that are the brightest and most garish in coloring.  Space camo is bad, wild day-glo colors are good in my book.  I didn’t fork out for the dreadnought SKINs, but I bought the set for the navy faction destroyers.

  • War Bonds Cashed Out

I mentioned previously that the Imperium was started to mature and buy back war bonds.  They are now up to cashing out anybody who bought up to 50 of the 1 billion ISK face value bonds.

Since I fell well within that category, having 5 war bonds, I cashed out.  That gave me 5 billion ISK back for the face value of the bonds, plus the additional 1 billion ISK I earned in interest while the Imperium held my money.  As I said before, I wish my real life investments would do so well.

And so it goes, another Friday from the land of bullet point.