Chasing the Headless Horseman Year after Year

I didn’t come back to WoW just to run the Hallow’s End even again, but I came back when the event was live, so I figure I might as well carry on in my ongoing effort to get the elusive mount.

201 mounts, but not HIS mount

I don’t know how many years in a row this makes in futile pursuit of that one Hallow’s End prize I have yet to obtain.  But I keep on queuing up.  At least it is quick.

The queue generally pops in under five minutes

This year I only have two characters that can realistically run the event.  Out of a pile of six level 100s at the end of Warlords of Draenor only two have gone into Legion so far.  So twice a day, every day, I give it a shot.

Occasionally I get something good.  I got the Horseman’s Horrific Hood on my first run with Vikund, an ilevel 880 helm that was a big upgrade over what he was wearing.

Vikund with the new helm

Of course, with WoW’s wacky cosmetic system, I had to go find the NPC to reset my look since cosmetics apply to individual pieces of equipment rather than equipment slots.  Whatever.  At least I can now do the horseman’s laugh on demand now, a feature of the helm that is pretty cool.

Most of the time… like every single time since I got the helm… I end up with a paper mask and some candy.  Not even a ring.  And you can probably guess how I feel about getting candy at this point.

Why do I look UP when puking? How does that make things better?

Still I persist, hoping that the random number generator will favor me some day and give me the mount.

4 thoughts on “Chasing the Headless Horseman Year after Year

  1. tws029

    I believe the raid scales so run it wiyh your level 100’s. Even if I’m wrong, I’m happy to group with you and run them through with my Disc Priest. With a healer the queses are a lot faster as well.


  2. Oldlinestatedad

    The event changed this year and now characters as low as 23 can run it. No tthat this helps me out..lots more runs, still no horse. My son did get Riverdare’s horse on a transmog run after 13 years, so I still hold out hope.


  3. wowstorylines

    I actually got the mount many years ago before it was a “shared” mount, so, I didn’t feel the real pressure for running the dungeon this year. Maybe next year I will just jump in again to remind myself how much fun it can still be.


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