Tag Archives: EVE-Kill.net

To All The Ships I’ve Flown Before…

BattleClinic.com, which you may know from their involvement with the EVE Mon utility, has been undergoing a serious revamp of their site.  It has been under way for a while now.  I got a note from them months back asking if they could use screen shots from EVE Online Pictures, to which I answered in the affirmative.

But the big site changes have finally been revealed… which I didn’t notice until Rixx Javix did a post about a new feature, ships used.

I actually think that the “ships used” information was in the old version of the site.  Something in the back of my brain believes that it was there.  But it wasn’t as accessible and I do not think it showed as much detail.  Or maybe I am totally wrong.  Memory.

And technically it is not ships you’ve flow, just ships you were flying that were involved in combat where they appeared on a kill mail, either having contributed to a kill or having been the victim.  I’d like to see a stat on which ships I have spent the most time flying in space, especially since I fly in the “space priest” logistics role a lot of the time.  But a list is a list and any long time reader knows I love me a list.

So what ships have I been flying while whoring on kill mails by pressing F1 in CFC blob fleets since December 2011?  Here are the top 10, plus one.

1. Drake – 395 kills / 12 losses

Oh my trusty old Drake.  I have half a dozen of them sitting around still in various null sec stations just waiting for my old favorite ship to return to its place in the sun.

Me and my lag causing friends at 319-3D

Unleash the Drake-en!

It was a fortuitous set of circumstances that made Drake Fleet a prime CFC doctrine shortly after I arrived in null sec.  I couldn’t shoot guns or lasers for shit, but I have max shield and missiles skills and Battlecruiser V when it came time for Drake Fleet.

Those were happy times.  Null sec combat was all new to me and scooting about the battlefield in a swarm of MWD Drakes like a school of fish, Scimitars weaving around us while we spewed missiles and dodged foes was a real highlight in my career.  The first big fleet engagement where I kind of knew what was going on was in a Drake at EWN-2U back in 2012.  Time dilation was a new thing back then.

2. Megathron – 166 Kills / 2 Losses

Mainstay of the war in Fountain, the primay weapon of Baltec Fleet, one of the two doctrines that got rolled up once we found that the doctrines we started the war with were not working out.  This was the ship I flew into some of the more memorable fights of the war, including Z9PP-H, 3WE-KY, and 6VDT-H.

The "How To" of Baltec Fleet

The “How To” of Baltec Fleet

The Megathron hasn’t seen as much action since Fountain.  First it was replaced by the Dominix to exploit drone assist, then the Apocalypse came along and the Megathron was phased out.  Still, the ship was immortalized in the Boat’s Oddity video, and I bet Baltec1 is still flying one in every fleet no matter what the actual doctrine.  Never not Mega.

3. Harpy – 143 Kills / 2 Losses

Harpy fleet has been an ongoing frigate doctrine in the CFC for a while.  I tend to resist flying frigates.  It used to be a matter of not wanting to lose a 40 million ISK clone in a 20 million ISK ship, but now CCP has fixed that.  But I found Harpy roams to be enjoyable.

EVE Online Curse Deployment

A Harpy down in Curse

The doctrine started when we were deployed on and off to Curse.  I probably have more Harpies sitting around in hangars than any other ship besides the Drake.  I need to go on more Harpy fleets.

4. Apocalypse – 93 Kills / 1 Loss

After drone assist was scaled back from “game breaking” to merely “overwhelming” we moved back to the Baltec Fleet doctrine.  However, while you could still fly Megathrons, we were all encouraged to pick up an Apocalypse.  I did not need more than a small push in that direction.  I had been training up lasers in the hope that one day they would be useful, so once I wrapped that up I immediately moved into the Apoc.  I wanted to shoot colored beams of light dammit!

Long range beams

Apocs with lasers hot

I used to carry every damn crystal type I could find and I pretty quickly became “that guy” in Baltec fleet firing a different color laser from everybody else (I am pretty sure the red beams in that picture above is me) or multiple colors because what the hell.  Red and green on Christmas, mustard and ketchup because I was eating a hamburger.  I had a good time with that.  The doctrine has since fallen into disuse, but I still have a couple Apocs, and a large supply of crystals, sitting around.

5. Ishtar – 64 Kills / 0 Losses

Drones are still pretty strong, so Ishtars and Dominixes are back in fashion, to the point that the game is mockingly called Ishtars Online some nights of the week.  This is also a Reaver doctrine fit, which is where I have flown it.  Most of my kills are towers, though there was that carrier we got at the end of our first deployment.  Due to a general shortage of logi pilots, I only flew the Ishtar on that one deployment, swapping out for a Basilisk since then.

6. Caracal – 39 Kills / 6 Losses

There have been a number of tries to get a good Caracal doctrine going from time to time.  I always join in because they aren’t too expensive and I have all the skills.  Caracals were a doctrine at the start of the war in Fountain and we lost them in droves until we stopped using them.  I think I have lost every single one I ever owned in null.

7. Dominix – 27 Kills / 1 Loss

The post Fountain doctrine with drone assist.  I was in something of a slack period when Domis were the main thing.  I went on a few ops with a Domi, but it isn’t really a special ship to me.  Or it wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the fact that I am on six titan kill mails with a Domi from the fight at B-R5RB.  I still have that particular neut fit Domi, still parked in the station in that system with a jump clone should I ever wish to retrieve it.  A pity that N3 owns the system again.  I have a Basilisk stranded out there as well.

8. Hurricane – 25 Kills / 1 Loss

One of the ships I bought early on when I was trying to be a good soldier and follow orders to have one ship for every doctrine on hand at all times or some such.  It was a “Digi-cane,” which belonged to a doctrine that was already out by the time I bought it.  I used to use in for Homeland Defense ops and I flew it to BWF-ZZ in a Boat fleet that bagged a dozen Raiden capital ships.  I think I have an “insta-cane” in a hangar somewhere, which I bought seconds before they got nerfed.

9. Maelstrom – 21 Kills / 0 Losses

This was the prime doctrine when I joined the CFC, just before Drake Fleet showed up.  Big, slow to move, slow to align, and slow to shoot, the key to the doctrine was to have everybody fire at once to cause an overwhelming spike in damage that would blow the hostile ship off the field with a single volley.

10. Scimitar – 18 Kills / 2 Losses

Given how many times I have flow logi, I am actually surprised to see that I have only lost two Scimitars.  I guess a debt is owed to our logi anchors who appear to have kept us out of the line of fire and aligned to get the hell out of Dodge when things go wrong.  Plus it is a swift ship.  And, as you can see, even a space priest isn’t above loading a couple of combat drones in order to whore on kills.

Special Mention – Basilisk – 13 Kills / 3 Losses

The ship in 11th place and the one I have been flying for the most part for the last six months.  Ugly and awkward in that way that only Caldari ships can manage, it is once again proof that logi isn’t above carrying a combat drone or two in order to get a few hits in.  I don’t mind playing logi.  It is what I mostly do these days.  But I like to get something on the kill board at least once a month just some my corp knows I’m still alive.  Lord knows I barely talk to them and I almost never fly with them, so I try to keep up my end by paying my monthly dues, getting a few kills, and clicking on participation links.

Cap chaining in Immensea... Caroline's Star visible

It is all about the Basi… and cap chaining

So that is the list, my top 10+1.  Of course, the kills and losses are in no way an indicator of any capability on my own part.  Even a scrub like me can keep a “green” kill board because of the way kills and losses are counted.

And, of course, this is just the BattleClinic accounting of my ships and kills.  My totals at ZKillboard and EVE-Kill are different, though I do wonder why my BattleClinic totals are as far off as they are from the other two.  ZKillboard and EVE-Kill differ by a mere dozen kills while BattleClinic is a good 20% shy of those total.

Five Friday EVE Tidbits… On Monday

Because I never quite got around to finishing this on Friday.

1- CCP and Trion Cross Pollination

Nosy Gamer noted that CCP and Trion have been exchanging staff.  Earlier in the year David “Triple A and Here to Stay!” Reid, who spent most of his time at Trion tryin’ to annoy Blizzard, moved to CCP where he adopted the tag CCP_Pokethulhu.

Meanwhile, former CCP executive producer Nathan Richardsson (aka CCP Oveur) has moved over to Trion to work on their new MMO.

All of which makes me look at the Rift Empyrean Mechanics page and wonder if I can somehow tie together Storm Legion and the EVE Empyrean Age expansion.  Surely there is a conspiracy theory or a lawsuit there waiting to be created!

2 – The War Between the Sites

Kirith Kodachi took a look at how two EVE Online news sites, the venerable EVE News 24 and the new upstart The Mittani.com, are faring in traffic.

The emergence of a competitor named after the chief Space Goon certainly shook things up.  The Mittani.com, by the yardstick chosen, seems to have hit parity with its older rival pretty quickly, focusing on content written by a dedicated staff, including an editor lured away from EN24.  Meanwhile, Riverini has repositioned the editorial stance of largely syndicated EN24 to make it the focus of Goon opposition.

Ha, ha, just kidding!  EN24 was always anti-Goon!  The last pretense otherwise has merely been removed.

3 – Bumping: It’s the New Ganking

James 315 has been attempting to create a new order in high sec.  However, rather than ganking the ice miners that occupy the space he intends to control, he has taken to bumping them instead.  And he has a blog dedicated to his efforts, complete with irate chat logs. Grief will find a way.

4 – EVE Has Sound!

Who knew, right?

Most of the time I play EVE I have the sound off because I am on voice coms or I am listening to something else.  But sometimes I want the sound.  Sometimes I want to hear that voice say, “Warp drive active.”

However I haven’t been able to get the sound to work in EVE for ages.  I have tinkered with the settings.  But there isn’t really a lot of choices there, and none seemed to have an impact.

And then I was having problems with another app and I traced that down to the Windows 7 sound mixer, which you can access via the little speaker icon on the task bar.  While I was there, I launched to EVE to see how it was set.  Sure enough, for reasons unknown, the mixer decided to turn the volume for EVE all the way off.

So if you are looking for the sound in EVE Online, try that.

5- EVE-Kill.net Still Needs Your Help

I posted last week about this.  About 90 people have donated up to this point, which puts them half way to their base goal and about a quarter of the way to their full goal.

Well, the site is still having problems.  It was up but not processing data for a lot of the weekend.  I must have seen/heard more than more than 90 people bitch about site not being functional.

So go to this link, or click on the graphic above, and donate to this site that.  Clearly a lot of us will lose the will to live if it goes down.

Support Your Local Kill Board

EVE-Kill.net is one of those amazing external resources, like DOTLAN EVE Maps,  that has sprung up around EVE Online, that I am not sure how we would do without.

Yes, kill boards are not exactly unknown, but EVE-Kill.net has pretty much become THE kill board as far as I can tell.

It has critical mass that BattleClinic.com‘s kill board seems to lack (a pity, because while I like their site, and they host EVE Mon development, a chunk of my kills never appear there) and which an individual corp and alliance board can never hope to achieve.

It is where most organizations go to create an individual or event kill boards as well as where people go to find the latest big losses and Top 20 lists, for those who dwell on such things.

And it is where I go to make sure I am getting credit for kills and to link my losses for reimbursement.

My current overall stats

Unfortunately, EVE-Kill itself was almost a kill statistic back on September 20th when it suffered a hardware failure.

The site is back up and running again, with no data lost, but the team that takes care of the system is trying to get the whole thing to a reliable, stable state.  That means some new hardware, which in turn means money.

So they are looking to the community that uses the site to help out by kicking in some money.

If you use EVE-Kill.net and want to help out, they have a donation scheme setup with Pledgie, a service I had never heard of until today, but which I had no doubt existed.  You can go to their pledge page by clicking on this link.

There is also a detailed description of what happened and what their plan is on their Pledgie page.

Their base goal is $4,000, with $8,000 being sufficient for their wishlist of hardware upgrades.

I hope enough people will step up and help them out.

I think I am on the list as donor 35 – Anonymous.  I wanted to donate without creating yet another account on the internet.