SOE Joins PlayStation Network Hacking Woes

I thought I was safe, not having given my credit card to Sony on the PlayStation Network.

Then Sony Online Entertainment brought down all their servers this morning, purportedly for “an investigation into an intrusion.”

And now it seems there was a reason for it.

While the shut down has been covered around the webKotaku is now reporting that hackers may have stolen more than 12,700 credit card numbers from Sony Online Entertainment players.

That is a small-ish percentage of the players of SOE games such as EverQuest II, and considerably fewer credit card numbers than were obtained through the hacking of the PlayStation Network (last count, 10 million!), but it is still a disturbing reminder of the problems Sony is currently having with network security.  And who knows what the final numbers will be.

No word on how to tell if your credit card has been compromised, though SOE Community Manager Amnerys encourages you to call SOE customer service if you have concerns.

Good luck getting through!

You might as well read the alarming security update from SOE.

I guess I picked a bad week to quit WoW.

Addendum: Sony says this was not a second attack, which I guess means they still haven’t figured out how bad the attack nearly two weeks ago really was.

Addendum 2:  Per ZAM, SOE is granting customers 30 days of additional time on their subscriptions, in addition to compensating them one day for each day the system is down.  No word on how long the system will be down.

(SOE Offline graphic from the Kotaku story.)

4 thoughts on “SOE Joins PlayStation Network Hacking Woes

  1. Malfi

    Well poop! And just when the nostalgia bug, egged on by your recent adventures back in pre-disaster Norrath, had bit me. I was going to jump back into EQ2 (I canceled my accounts in December after 6 months of inactivity) and check out Velious. What timing!


  2. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    On the bright side, I do not think Sony has any more services available to me that can be taken away in this hacking crisis, though I am going to keep a close eye on that old Sony camcorder we have in the closet.


  3. bhagpuss

    I’m more worried about the personal information for Identity Theft than the credit card numbers, which are indeed expired. Since SoE never delete anyone’s account, presumably a copy of the database from 2007 would include not just details of accounts that where active in 2007 but of every account ever made for any SoE game since they began.


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