Daily Archives: January 25, 2010

STO Character Creator – Experimenting

Playing with the character creator for a while this afternoon, I did discover that you can, in fact, create a female avatar with large breasts wearing a tight, leather-like uniform.

Created in the name of science...

You know… if you like that sort of thing.

That does not mean, however, that you have to shake it in front of the whole bridge crew and make them feel inadequate.

Cryptic Does Dance Moves

Dignity should be maintained.  Waving your hands in the air like you just don’t care should be avoided… at least in that outfit.

Still, Cryptic appears to have dodged that “no hot avatars” problem that Vanguard seemed to have so long ago.  (Even the Vanguard team seemed to admit that to that at a later date.)

STO Screenshots Question

The screen shot potential for Star Trek Online is, of course, huge.  Space is pretty, space battles bright, colorful, and awe inspiring.

I am okay with the fact that I do not have to turn off the game’s UI to take full screen shots of battle, but I cannot figure out how to turn off the shield graphic around ones ship.

Green Explosion!

That picture would be much better if only I could turn off the shields.

Any clues out there?  Anybody?