Crowfall Kickstarter Brings in over $1.7 Million

Early this morning… early for me anyway, here on the left coast… the Crowfall Kickstarter campaign wound down to its final timer, more than doubling their initial goal of $800,000.

CrowfallSuccess$1,766,205 is a mighty number.  I still think that, with the right mid-campaign publicity they could have hit two million, but that should not take away from their success.  Camelot Unchained made the two million mark, but with less that 13K backers, while Shroud of the Avatar made the two million milestone with 23K backers, which puts Crowfall about in the same league.

As with many successful Kickstarter campaigns, there was a decent boost in numbers in the last 24 hours, as is shown on the final chart from Kicktraq.

Daily pledges and backers

Daily pledges and backers

The last day doesn’t look that impressive until you remember that it was only a third of a day in hours, the campaign having wrapped up at 8am eastern time.  The last push wasn’t quite enough to bring in the last couple of stretch goal, which were based on total backers rather than dollars, so no

Crowfall Stretch Goals

Crowfall Stretch Goals

So that is done.

Only such campaigns are never done, as we have seen.  The Kickstarter was a success, but they apparently need/want more money and backers.  If you missed the Kickstarter and are now regretting it, you can head to the official Crowfall site… if it isn’t swamped at the moment… and get in on the backer deals.

More money, we would like that!

More money, we would like that!

And now we wait.  Some people will be keen for the early alpha access promised.  I personally don’t count anything as delivered until a game is actually released, and the current promise for Crowfall is December 2016.  We shall see if they can hit that mark.