Quote of the Day – Entonsis Links vs. Guns Blazing

Long story short, we have had long meetings about the structure attack system, and came to the conclusion that, while Entosis Links do indeed achieve our design goals for the Citadels, they are not actually delivering an experience we are satisfied to provide.

Citadels, Sieges and You v2 dev blog

I am going to claim that this captures a bit of the spirit of my post on Monday where I was waxing enthusiastic for POS shoots because you actually get to shoot something and you have the chance to get a kill mail.

The dev blog linked above is full of information about the new proposal for citadels.

Citadel Damage Sample

Citadel Damage Sample

But right up front they list out the reasons that they are not going the Entosis Link module route for the new structures which will eventually be replacing the current POS system we have now.

  • It’s not fun being shot by massive structure weapons while being unable to retaliate in kind, it gives players the feeling to be helpless while they watch a timer go down
  • There is gameplay involved in applying damage that Entosis Links do not preserve, like range, speed, falloff or positioning
  • It devalues capital ships as a whole, especially Dreadnoughts, which were specifically introduced to assault and destroy static structures
  • Last but not least, there is a visceral connection in shooting a structure down to destroy it. Having guns blazing while watching the target hit points go down is a very strong visual and adrenaline factor that Entosis Links remove out of the equation.

Oh yeah, fun.

Anyway, the dev blog goes into great detail about how and when and under what particular circumstances CCP proposes to allow people to blow these structures up.  It is all very complicated.


But they key point for me is the rejection of the Entosis Link module in favor of the weapon systems we had all along.