World of Tanks Passes WoW West According to SuperData Research

SuperData Research put up their top ten lists for February 2017 this week.

SuperData Research Top 10 – February 2017 (original)

I noted last month that Blizzard decided to break out their World of Warcraft numbers for SuperData into East and West, which one can assume meant China and the rest of the world.  There was no statement as to why that change occurred, but I speculated that it might have been done to give Overwatch a boost on the list.  Splitting WoW in two pushed Overwatch up into third place.  Or maybe they just wanted to push somebody else off the list.

A month later things have changed. While the East/West designations are absent, I think we can assume that the higher WoW is “West” as it was the higher of the two last month.  World of Tanks swapped places with Overwatch in February while the nineteen year old Korean MMO classic Lineage jumped ahead of WoW East.

Otherwise the list is unchanged from February, with only Blizzard titles losing ground.  I wonder how Blizzard felt about that?

Oh, wait, I bet I know!

It seems as though they called up SuperData and told them to get rid of that East/West split, so that first chart disappeared from their site to be replaced by a new one.

SuperData Research Top 10 – February 2017 (revised)

The recombined World of Warcraft is back ahead of World of Tanks, Overwatch is still down in sixth place, DOTA 2 is up a spot, and For Honor gets a spot on the list.  I suspect we shall hear no more of an East/West split in WoW numbers.

Meanwhile, the report also has more bad news for Blizzard:

Hearthstone hits a new low on mobile. Hearthstone marked its lowest point since releasing on both Android and iOS smartphones. Revenue is down significantly year-over-year and month-over-month. Recent gameplay decisions have been unpopular with the Hearthstone community, and the result has been a sharp decrease in conversion on mobile. Desktop revenue is also down, but to a lesser extent, perhaps due to the more “hardcore” demographic on PC.

Not a good month for Blizzard.

Other items of note… at least items that interest me… Pokemon Go is still holding on to 4th place on the mobile chart, a surprising performance for a game several people have told me is “dead,” and Candy Crush Saga dropped off the chart completely, having lost its hold on the 10th rung of the ladder.

6 thoughts on “World of Tanks Passes WoW West According to SuperData Research

  1. MaximGtB

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I just can’t understand why people would care about stuff like “while League of Legends may be the biggest earner here, the value of the average World of Tanks player is 2x higher.” (from the PC section at

    So how does Superdata get its data? Why does Blizzard have a say in how WoW is presented?


  2. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    @MaximGtB – Analyst groups like SuperData Research depend on the cooperation of the companies they study/present, so the companies have a good deal of leverage when it comes to what data gets presented and how. The companies cooperate to make themselves look good and inflate their stock prices. But the data they provide has to have some basis in reality, because SuperData turns around and sells it to investor groups for five to six figures per report.

    I used to get caught up in our relationship with Gartner at a company I worked at previously, so I can just picture how this change played out. The details of SuperData do not impress me, but watching their public data change over time presents information of its own.

    Anyway, I nearly launched into a tirade of MAUs, comparing them to various other bogus metrics used over the years like “eyeballs,” “clicks,” “page views,” and “seats” and how any metric detached from revenue is bogus, but I decided to check first.


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