Vista Launch – Vanguard Launch

I picked the paper up off the driveway to scan it for Vanguard in the ads.

Vanguard was nowhere to be seen in the paper today.  It seems that Microsoft Vista is launching today.

The Fry’s ad had Vista all over it.  Some other places, like Circuit City, had pull-outs in the paper featuring Vista heavily, obviously the product of generous Microsoft co-op ad dollars.

Despite the absence of Vanguard, it did get me thinking about how it might tie in with Vista.

Do you suppose that January 30th was the launch date for Vanguard because of some contractual obligation left over from the Microsoft involvement requiring Vanguard to be a Vista launch title?

I wish I knew the answer to that.  If it is true, I would certainly feel a little more forgiving of Sigil launching Vanguard in its current state.  “It’s Microsoft’s fault!” is a salve for all wounds and injustice.

2 thoughts on “Vista Launch – Vanguard Launch

  1. darrenl

    Hey Wil,

    I blogged about this earlier this month. There was a thread in the Vanguard forums that where Brad stated bluntly that they just ran out of money. So launching Vanguard Jan.30 was more of a financial decision, and probably had nothing to do with the Vista launch.

    Mind you, when SOE took over, that launch date might have been an artifact from the Microsoft deal. I do recall that there was a rumor that Vanguard was suppose to be a Vista launch MMO title…so, read into that what you may. SOE probably just kept that date and held Sigil to that commitment. Its a shame to be sure.


  2. Wilhelm2451 Post author

    That is what I have heard so far, I just had that Vanguard/Vista click this morning.

    Honestly though, if it were a launch title, one might expect that there would have been some ad co-op dollars available to get it in the Vista ads in the paper today.


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