Tabula Rasa: Fear of a Last Name

I had a heck of a time naming my character in Tabula Rasa.  You have to pick a unique last name, a task that took me an inordinate amount of time on the beta server. 

Lots of names were reserved.  I couldn’t get Hohenstaufen or Hohenzoller or any of the other German royal houses I could think of at that moment.  They were already set aside. 

Even more of the names I tried were already taken.

I didn’t try “Smith.”  I wonder if that was reserved or taken? 

I actually fretted a bit about the last name thing. 

You see, once you pick a last name, all of you characters will get that last name.  Or so it said during the beta.

So you REALLY don’t want to go with a last name that sucks.  You will be seeing that last name a lot. 

I don’t know what the rules will be regarding changing your last name, but I would suggest not messing up unless you want to find out.

And there goes the ability to keep alts a secret. 

“Smith? I know you, don’t I?”

“Uh, that must have been some other Smith.”

(And yes, I can talk about TR now.  The NDA has been lifted.)

4 thoughts on “Tabula Rasa: Fear of a Last Name

  1. KevinC

    I had a horribly difficult time finding a last name that was open. Eventually I even resorted to typing in random text to see if it was bugged, and all of it was reserved. I finally ended up with a last name that’s tolerable, but not remotely connected to anything I’ve ever had past or present. At least I can start afresh in release.


  2. sente

    I would have preferred that they had used the City of Heroes/VIllains approach, with a global handle that it completely separate from your character names and is unique across servers etc.

    It is better than no connection at all though, as is the case for most other MMOGs.


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