Payback in the Outlands

It was Saturday night and we were not expecting a full crew, since Earl was off at a wedding.  Still, we were there and needed something to do, so we thought we would take a look at the Outlands.  Our group was:

74 Priest – Skronk
74 Warlock – Bungholio
75 Mage – Ula
75 Paladin – Vikund

There are some five person instances out there that we have not done yet as well as a few we have done but which do not show up in our achievement credits.  That last part is annoying because there does not seem to be much logic to it.  Hellfire Ramparts, the first instance we did in the Outlands shows up for us.  But the Blood Furnace, which we did shortly there after did not get counted.

So, seeing that we are becoming somewhat achievement attuned, we decided to clear some of that up, starting with the Blood Furnace.

Which meant finding the instance… again, since we found it once before.

After some running around it was remembered that we can actually use our flying mounts in the Outlands, which seemed likely to make our search easier.  But as we were searching, I saw one of those damn Fel Reavers that stomped us from behind on several occasions and declared that it must die.

"Fel" down, did he?

"Fel" down, did he?

That was the payback referred to in the title of the post.  Nothing beyond this point has anything to do with any sort of actual payback, real or imagined.  You have been warned.

We then went back, found the Blood Furnace, got the message about not being able to create any more instances for a bit, then finally got into the the instance.  We considered for a moment trying the heroic version of the instance, but then realized that none of us knew how to access it.  It was only later that I figured out that Honor Hold Quartermaster, Logistics Officer Ulrike, sells the key that enables heroic versions of the local instances.

Flamewrought Key
Live and learn.

So eventually we were in and knocking down or just walking past level 60-ish mobs, practically slaying them at will, which lead to momentary visions of invulnerability.

It was a trap!  There were two of them!

It was a trap! There were two of them!

This visions were disiolved from time to time.

Even with that sort of thing though, we were through the instance in very little time.

The Blood Furnace
We walked on out the door and considered which instance we ought to clean up next.

In glancing through the list of achievements, I suggested Mechanar in Tempest Keep because the final boss was named Pathaleon the Calulator.  I rather pictured a blood elf with a slide rule.

So we ported back to Shattrath and flew on out to Shadowmoon Valley only to realize that Tempest Keep is not in Shadowmoon Valley, it is in Netherstorm.

So We ported back to Shattrath and flew on out to Netherstorm and went in search of Tempest Keep.  It was not too tough to find, as it stands out on the map.  We even guessed right for once and ended up at the correct instance on the first try.  And after a message or three about not being able to create more instances, we were in.

The first floor was a walk-over for the four of us.  This was a bit of a surprise to me.  I know we are better equipped, but we were still facing level 70-72 NPCs.  But the four of us seemed to be able to take on all comers even when we got more than we bargained for.  Until we got to the second floor.

On the second floor was Nethermancer Sepethrea who wiped the floor with us twice before we went to look up strategies on dealing with her.  It seems that to keep her two flame elemental minions from causing havok you have to kite them around while doing in Sepethrea.  With that tidbit of knowledge we were able to finish her without much issue on the third attempt.

Then, true to form, we stumbled into the final boss, the aforementioned Patheleon the Calculator, who is not just a boss but a whole event, quite by accident.  Well, not quite by accident.  We deliberately started walking down the hall towards his location on purpose, we just didn’t know that was the trigger for several waves of angry blood elves to come and attack us.

Blood elves with a disposition for math were no problem for us however and soon we got the magic pop.

The Mechanar

So we setup the group shot to record our victory.

We weren't part of his calculation it seems

We weren't part of his calculation it seems

And that was it for instances for us.  We took a short detour to Dealer Rashaad at the Stormspire so Ula could stock up on some companion pets for the pet achievements.  (I had already been.   You can see my blue dragonhawk pet in the picture above.)

And that was it for the evening.  We will be down a person this coming Saturday as well, so I imagine we will continue with the semi-serious achievement chasing.

4 thoughts on “Payback in the Outlands

  1. Lora

    Hm. Seems like you had alot of fun again. Reading these posts really make me want to start paying for retail again.

    – Lora


  2. Jemere

    That mace Panthaleon is holding, the big gear-like thing…was originally a drop in MC – i remember my druid really needing that for the +55 fire resist, essential to continue raiding at that level, with some much fire damage going off everywhere.

    yea, here we go:


  3. *vlad*

    I’ve soloed most of the Burning Crusade normal instances on my Paladin, so yes, they should not be too difficult for you.

    How about doing some ‘old-school’ raids instead next time (Onyxia, Molten Core, Zul Gurub, AQ20)?
    Black Wing Lair and AQ40 will probably be too hard for you, though.


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