Daily Archives: October 19, 2009

Grunty Arrives!

I received a letter from DirecTV the other day.  Enclosed in the envelop was something I had been waiting for.  A card.

BlizzCon Exclusive Gift

BlizzCon Exclusive Gift

The Grunty the Murloc Marine loot card from BlizzCon, a reward for subscribing to watch the event on pay per view.

The card is… well… just that, a card, rather like a gift card, with instructions on the back on how to redeem it for the in-game pet.



I suppose I could have paid for the pay per view event by just listing the card up on eBay.  They seem to be going for about that much or more.  But I wanted the companion pet, so I scratched off the backing and entered the code.

Grunty Redeemed

Grunty Redeemed

I had to do that quietly, because if my daughter had known what I had before I redeemed it, I would have been faced with an unbearable amount of pouting and pleading.  Fortunately for me, Mr. Chilly showed up the same day so I was able to distract her with that.  Well, that and some talk about the upcoming WoW 5 Year anniversary pet, the Onyxia whelpling.

Once redeemed, an in-game mail was waiting for me and all of my current characters.

There was even an achievement (a feat of strength) for geapping the attachment that came with the note.

It took me a moment to decipher what the achievement’s name meant.

And so now I can have Grunty the Murloc Space Marine follow me around if I like.  He is fine around town, though I could not recommend him if you are attmempting to be discreet.   Every so often he unload the magazine of his rifle into the air.

Grunty Unloads!

Grunty Unloads!

The sound can be startling, as it is a bit loud.

He will also pop a smoke flare every once in a while, which will draw attention.  That is fine if you are marking an LZ, but not so good if you were trying to hide.

I hear he will also open fire on the zergling companion pet that came as an option with the original World of Warcraft Collector’s Edition.  I’m not sure I’ll ever get to see that, as I hear most people took the panda or mini Diablo.

So one more pet on the pile for me.  I still need a few more for the 50 pets achievement.  And, of course, what does Blizzard give you if you collect 50 pets?  Why, another pet!