Daily Archives: March 6, 2012

Confirming What I Had Always Suspected About Seagulls

A Stormwind Harbor seagull caught with the horrific evidence.

Maybe a seagull ate your baby

That is actually the skeleton of my human paladin Vikund, foreshortened by the odd angle at which it is resting, hanging out there with the seagull.

I was flying to Stormwind Harbor to do the fishing daily with my daughter watching.  I decided to show off and dismissed my mount intending to sail through the air and land in the water of the harbor.  However, in a very George of the Jungle moment, I managed to hit the one object between me and the water.  And died.

All of which was much more amusing to my daughter than my simple jump into the water would have been.

World of Warplanes Alpha Gameplay Footage

Wargaming.net put up a video of some World of Warplanes action that was apparently part of their alpha test.

It looks pretty good, though any company video has to be cherry picked clips.  I still want to see it when it comes out.  You can get to the video here if you are reading this via RSS or mobile device.

You can sign up to be part of the alpha test at the World of Warplanes web site.

I will be waiting until thing get a little further along.