In Which I Stoop to Gevlon’s Level…

Or, perhaps, in which EVE News 24 hits a new low point.

Because there I am on the site, a few posts up from Gevlon.  One of my blog entries has been syndicated and posted over there for all to read, set free from its safe little home here at TAGN.

Of course, I had just been bitching to somebody somewhere that EVE News 24 was really dropping the ball when it came to covering events in the north end of null sec.  So when Riverini asked if he could syndicate some of my reports from that end of space, it seemed a little hypocritical to say no this time around. (He asked me once before, back in February.)

And so, there is a post of mine up on the site.

Six Fleets in Venal re-purposed

Of course I cannot go look at it, because then I might read the comments.

I am not ready to read the comments.

I did get to write my own tag line, which I did off the cuff in about 20 seconds, and it shows.

Wilhelm Arcturus, he’s played internet spaceship related games since the early days of MegaWars III, and expects to get the hang of things any day now. He reports on EVE from an individual capsuleer’s point of view at TAGN.

Ah well, I will just have to console myself with the ISK I will get for each item they choose to syndicate over there.  Each is worth at least two Guristas forsaken hubs, which is about all the ratting I can bring myself to do on any given night.

Speaking of Gevlon, he seems to want to join the Goons as part of his Titan plans.  I suspect a Goonswarm recruiting officer will be contacting him in-game very soon.  In fact, such officers are probably stepping over each other to get to him first.  They can hear the jingle of ISK in a player’s wallet at least three regions away.

But should he find his way into Goonswarm… or into one of the alliances in the CFC up in Deklein and Branch, which is probably a better bet… he will find that the Goons have a capital ship building group that will build any ship he has the ISK to pay for.  Like the delivery system, there is an order status page and everything.  Or so I am told.  I am not really in the market for a capital ship at this time.

I did dream at one point of flying a titan.  I think they were a little more awesome back then, with the area effect doomsday weapon and all that.

Still, Gevlon has the most important thing you can get in EVE Online: A goal and a plan to get there.

Everything else is just details.

5 thoughts on “In Which I Stoop to Gevlon’s Level…

  1. carson63000

    I read the comments so you don’t have to – it’s cool, they’re all saying bad things about the Goons, not about you personally. :-)


  2. Ardent Defender

    “Speaking of Gevlon, he seems to want to join the Goons as part of his Titan plans. I suspect a Goonswarm recruiting officer will be contacting him in-game very soon. In fact, such officers are probably stepping over each other to get to him first. They can hear the jingle of ISK in a player’s wallet at least three regions away.”

    That made me lol when i read that, i just couldn’t help it. Seems like a likely bet to me that it will happen.


  3. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    Yeah, the comments seems to be the usual “Goon blobs suxor!” vs. “No, you suxor!”

    Another oddity… they did not appear to pick up my whole post. They must not like all the pictures I stick in them.


  4. SynCaine

    Love EVEnews24 comments section, makes the work day fly by.

    “I just read a few of that guys blog entries and I believe he will one day be a serial killer.”


  5. Wilhelm Arcturus Post author

    Hah! I saw that comment. I think the only answer to that has to be, “What do you mean ‘one day?'”

    Actually, there is some surprisingly good intel in the comment thread as people try to fill in the vast blanks in my commentary. Ignorance works in my favor for once!


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