Daily Archives: February 18, 2014

An EVE Online Screen Shot Contest – Show Me the Planets!

I’ve been down this road before.

I have something special to give away.  Here, somewhere on my desk, is a Mystery Code from the EVE Online Second Decade Collector’s Edition.

The Mystery Code

Not at all like my desk

CCP gave me a copy, for free, after I had already purchased one for myself.  I gave away some of the bits and pieces to friends, but I held back the Mystery Code because I wanted to have a contest.

According to the CCP web site, the Mystery Code :will grant owners special benefits related to future CCP products and events” including:

  • 1 x PLEX
  • New and exclusive “Phanca” Cybernetic Arm
  • Exclusive “Templar MkII Prototype Fighter” for EVE: Valkyrie
  • More Mystery Code content will be announced soon!

Essentially it sounds like your account will be flagged to get some additional goodies at some future date.  And hey, a PLEX.  Gotta love that.

So I am having yet another screen shot contest.

How To Enter

Take a screen shot or dig through your old EVE Online screen shots.  The only restriction is that the shot must have a planet or a moon somewhere in view.  A spherical battles tation large enough to be mistaken for a moon is an acceptable substitute.  Example shot:

Buzzard and a Planet

More examples here.

You don’t have to have space ships or stations or titans or nebulae to be considered… but I can’t say that such things won’t help your chances.  Just have a planet or a moon.

Rename that screen shot to something I can associate with you.  Your character name would be good.  Append a digit if you are sending more than one picture.

Send your screen shot(s) to wilhelm2451 [at] yahoo [dot] com with the following information:

Your in-game character name:

A brief description of the picture: (ship types pictured please, other details if you can, actual system/planet would be awesome)

Attribution information: (Who should I say took the shot, link to your blog, corp, MySpace page, whatever)

See, simple.

Now for the fine print.

The Rules

A little less simple.

Entries must be your own screen shots.  Use of promotional material from CCP will disqualify you immediately.  We’ve all seen them…  well, I’ve seen them because I really like pictures of spaceships…  so don’t bother.  And the internet has tools for searching on that sort of thing… don’t make me get out the tools!

Use of the work of other people without the express written consent of Major League Baseball… or the person… is also forbidden.  Implied oral consent isn’t good enough.   Just be good and use your own screen shots, okay?

If I have already linked to or posted a screen shot of yours on EVE Online Pictures, you may not submit it for this contest.  Sorry.

You may enter up to three screen shots.

You must submit your entry via email to wilhelm2451 [at] yahoo [dot] com.  The subject of the email should say something like “EVE Online Contest” so I can find it easily in the spam folder if Yahoo happens to have taken a dislike to you, your domain, or your country.

You can send me a link to your entry via email if you prefer, but your entry should be obvious from the link.  If you send me a link to your EVE album in  Imgur or Flickr or whatever, I’ll probably browse through it, but I won’t pick an entry for you.

Your picture should be in .jpg or .png format.  If you send me a .bmp, I will likely convert it to one of those formats before posting it.  If you send me a picture in a format that PaintShop Pro cannot open or a corrupted image, I will send you a notification that your entry is invalid.

You can ask for clarifications or further information in the comments section following this post, but all entries must be sent via email to the address specified.

You must submit your entry Noon Pacific Time of Saturday, March 1st, 2014.  That will be 3pm Eastern Time or  8pm (20:00) UTC. which happens to also be in-game time in EVE Online.

If you are a winner, the Mystery Code will be sent via email to the address you used to enter the contest.   If you really, really want the physical card, I will drop it in the mail to if you provide an address.

The code and card are unused, but I make offer no warranty on what CCP will actually give you when you enter the code.  I just believe what the web site tells me.  There is a rumor that, if you enter a Mystery Code, you also consent to let CCP Guard sleep on your couch if he happens to be in town.

The winner will be announced in a post on Firday, March 7th, 2014.  The winning screen shots will be posted on this blog.  All screen shots submitted will, over time, be posted, with attribution, on EVE Online Pictures.  Unless your picture is crap.  I won’t be posting crap.  Don’t send me crap.

A second place prize of 100,000,000 ISK will be awarded to the runner up in the contest if there are at least 10 individuals entered.  I reserve the right, at my discretion, to toss some ISK to pilots submitting other worthy entries.  Not as much ISK as second place, but some ISK is better than none, right?

While I may consult with others to help winnow down the field of entrants, the winner will be decided by me and me alone.

Any questions, ambiguity, or disputes will be resolved by me alone and all decisions will be final.  There is no appeals process.