Daily Archives: June 17, 2022

Introducing Your CSM17 Representatives

As has become standard practice, CCP did an hour long election reveal on Twitch yesterday to announce the winners of the CSM17 election.

CSM17 is approaching

For those who want to cut straight to the end results, here are the 10 candidates that made the cut for CSM17

The winners were:

The CSM17 Winners

Or, listed out in alphabetical order:

  1. Angry Mustache – Goonswarm Federation
  2. Arsia Elkin* – Electus Matari
  3. Brisc Rubal* – The Initiative
  4. Jinx De’Caire – Brave Collective
  5. Kazanir – Goonswarm Federation
  6. Kenneth Feld* – Pandemic Legion
  7. Luke Anninan – Fraternity
  8. Mark Resurrectus – TURBOFEED OR GLORY
  9. Pandoralica – The Initiative
  10. Storm Delay – Pandemic Horde

*CSM16 Incumbent

For those who want a more detailed play by play, but who don’t want to watch the whole one hour stream, here are a few of the highlights.

30,814 total votes were cast for CSM17, down from 38,086 cast in the CSM16 election, 36,120 cast in the CSM15 election, and 32,994 cast in the CSM14 election.

The top 15 countries based on votes cast were:

  1. United States – 9,923
  2. United Kingdom – 3,271
  3. Germany – 2,729
  4. China – 2,275
  5. Canada – 1,447
  6. Russia 1,038
  7. Australia – 1,001
  8. Japan – 859
  9. Netherlands – 744
  10. France – 632
  11. Sweden – 458
  12. Poland – 402
  13. Norway – 387
  14. Denmark – 327
  15. Austria – 299

There were 44 candidates in the running, down one from the originally announced list, as Kismeteer of Pandemic Horde was dropped or dropped out, I am not sure which.  That meant there would be 34 elimination rounds to get to ten winners.

The first round saw two candidates elected outright with the first place votes, Kazanir, who was at the top of the Imperium ballot and got 5,574 votes, and Luke Anninan who topped the Fraternity/PanFam ballot, who received 4,302 votes.

The ballot quota to win in the first round was 2,802 votes (down from the 3,463 quota for CSM16, the quota being based on the number of votes cast… 2,661 was incorrect on the stream, and not the only error there) and the votes received in excess of the quota were spilled over to candidates further down their respective ballots, which was enough to then elect Angry Mustache and Brisc Rubal, who were second and third on the Imperium ballot, as well as Kenneth Feld, who got the excess from Luke Anninan.

CSM17 Round One Elected and Eliminated

There is the power of the Imperium ballot.  Looking at the ballot listing from the data, it looks like 5,105 accounts votes the straight Imperium ballot, which was:

The Imperium Ballot

2,110 accounts voted what I am going to guess was the the PanFam or Fraternity ballot.

1,322 accounts voted for a ballot with Brisc Rubal at the top, which I am going to guess was The Initiative ballot.  They are part of the Imperium, but they do their own thing and we love them for it because they make everything more fun.

At the other end of the spectrum, looking again at the ballot data, almost 2,000 accounts voted for exactly one candidate.  500 alone voted for just Luke Anninan.  And if they did that, their votes did not spill over if they were in excess of quote or if their candidate was eliminated.  A lot of people also voted for just two or three candidates.  That is a way to waste the power of your vote… or withhold it from other candidates I guess, if that is your thing.

Anyway, at the other end of the spectrum from those elected in round one, Redline XIII was the first candidate eliminated, having received only 35 first choice ballots and not much spillover from other ballots.  I guess hosting the second most popular EVE Online stream isn’t as useful as it seems.

Meanwhile, Pandoralica, fourth on the Imperium ballot (and second on the ballot of The Initiative) , was way back in the pack.  But as time went on and candidates were eliminated, he slowly climbed up the ranks, staving off elimination and gaining ground on many of those ahead of him as spill over votes seemed to find him time and again.

It wasn’t until Round 30 when the next candidate met quota and was officially elected, an honor that went to Storm Delay.

The state of the votes at round 30

At that point the writing was pretty much on the wall, with the top 10, including Pando, holding on to their positions.  There was a brief run where the long serving Steve Ronuken managed to get just enough spill over votes to keep ahead of last place and elimination.  But, in the end, he did not make the cut.

The round by round eliminations were:

  1. “Redline XIII” with 38.683203 votes
  2. “Mifune SwordGod” with 39.738407 votes
  3. “Kane Carnifex” with 53.795442 votes
  4. “Sarin Blackfist” with 58.116851 votes
  5. “Winzentowitsch Madeveda” with 101.100772 votes
  6. “Furnok Dorn” with 101.532115 votes
  7. “TheSupremeMagus” with 116.053701 votes
  8. “Styxx” with 122.578174 votes
  9. “Scrapyard Attendant” with 131.585791 votes
  10. “Agondray” with 132.738948 votes
  11. “Trottel Elf” with 145.539800 votes
  12. “KaeL EaglesEye” with 150.616075 votes
  13. “Aliventi” with 154.500528 votes
  14. “Gideon Zendikar” with 156.192970 votes
  15. “Scott Renton” with 188.574689 votes
  16. “hyprviper1” with 192.365127 votes
  17. “White 0rchid” with 207.269248 votes
  18. “Cael Caderu” with 229.013897 votes
  19. “Nala Queen” with 256.183634 votes
  20. “Baldin Tarmain” with 281.266542 votes
  21. “Shui Jing Jing” with 325.858882 votes
  22. “keacte” with 421.369099 votes
  23. “Moce” with 443.263086 votes
  24. “Drake Iddon” with 452.269139 votes
  25. “DutchGunner” with 478.098265 votes
  26. “Benjamin Rushing” with 553.181102 votes
  27. “Kshal Aideron” with 670.013182 votes
  28. “Phantomite” with 740.696670 votes
  29. “Stitch Kaneland” with 913.987263 votes
  30. “Hy Wanto Destroyer” with 1139.782385 votes
  31. “Alasker” with 1236.195771 votes
  32. “Steve Ronuken” with 1277.302114 votes
  33. “Torvald Uruz” with 1447.666023 votes
  34. “Ithica Hawk” with 1874.264451 votes

That means that should somebody leave the council… either in disgrace or due to being hired by CCP, another recent hazard… Ithica Hawk will be next in line to join the CSM.

And how did I do on my guess as to who would make the cut?  I had made the following call:

  • Kazanir – Goonswarm Federation
  • Angry Mustache – Goonswarm Federation
  • Brisc Rubal – The Initiative.
  • Steven Ronuken – Fuzzwork Enterprises
  • Kenneth Feld – Pandemic Legion
  • Phantomite – Snuffed Out
  • Luke Anninan – Fraternity.
  • Pandemic Horde Ballot Slot 1 (or 2 if 1 is Kenneth Feld)
  • Torvald Uruz – Abyssal Lurkers
  • One of the wormhole candidates if they can get their act together

With the following as wildcards:

  • Pandoralica – Has a strong following outside of the Imperium
  • Redline XIII – Host of the second most popular EVE Online talk show
  • Arsia Elkin – 11th place last year, so why not 10th this year?

I guess I was completely wrong on Redline XIII.  I always think streamers are going to do better than they end up doing.  And alas, Steve Ronuken, he was not the independent juggernaut he once was I guess.  Nor were Torvald Uruz and Phantomite, though Torvald was the next to last to be eliminated.

But I got seven of the ten elected on my main guess, with Storm Delay being that Pandemic Horde placeholder and Mark Resurrectus being the wormhole placeholder candidate.  And two of my wildcards, Pandoralica and Arsia Elkin, made the cut.

So I named thirteen people or placeholders and nine are on the CSM.  The only one I missed mentioning was Jinx De’Caire.  And if I can pick nine winning names out of a pack of 44, I guess one conclusion might be that the election process is getting a bit predictable.

And so it goes.  All the information I have listed and more is available at the links below.

I’m not sure which Reddit thread to link.  They’re all pretty salty at the moment about 8 null candidates winning.  But null blocs vote.  The three ballots I mentioned earlier on added up to almost 28% of those who voted.  The first ballot in the data set without a null sec candidate at the top of it had 318 votes, and it was in the middle of a sea of ballots with a null sec candidate at the top.  Null sec is motivated to vote in a way other areas of the game are not, and non-null candidates running on a platform of nerfing null sec only motivate null sec even more so.

So it goes.
