Daily Archives: December 7, 2023

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Bugs and Nerfs and What is Even Going on Here?

Perhaps an unexpected aspect of the WoW Classic Season of Discovery servers is the effort it requires to discover what is actually being changed on a day to day basis.

WoW Classic – Season of Discovery

If you just read the patch/update/hot fix notes on the forum, you are seeing changes related to bugs and more general mechanics, but nothing related to how classes and abilities are being altered on an almost daily basis.

Now, I will run with the idea that this whole Season of Discovery is both a little more literal on the discovery front than we might have imagined… Season of Effing around and Finding Out maybe… and that the whole thing is very much an experiment in progress.

Furthermore, I am not being particularly impacted by any of these changes yet, not so far as I can tell.  I think the problem is that I can’t really tell.  But I am also still just trying out some classes, getting the first few runes to see what is interesting.

And I am a bit disappointed with that so far.  I mean, maybe I shouldn’t judge based on the first few runes.  Then again, the whole thing was sold on healing mages and tanking warlocks and right now I am seeing a paladin and a priest who are little easier to solo maybe.  Three runes in and the hunter doesn’t seem all that changed… certainly not once you get a pet.  And once you set aside runes it is just vanilla WoW again and I didn’t need a fresh server for that.  But maybe that is me.

Anyway, it is more a matter of how Blizz is handling its communication, which is not very well.  If you want to stay informed you literally have to follow the WoW Classic senior game producer Aggrend over on Twitter to feel like you’re getting the news.  And I am not criticizing him as he is doing an above and beyond effort to communicate things.  But a non-Blizzard personal account on a single shaky social media platform doesn’t strike me as a solid fountain for information distribution.

It is possible I am missing some other source of information, but if I am I am not alone.

If you go over to r/wowclassic on Reddit… and I do not like going there because, seriously, people complain about r/eve being a cesspool have clearly not spent time in the subreddit of any other popular video game title… and you can find threads that are literally images of what Aggrend posted to Twitter.

All of this seems to really be stirring the community pot and getting people upset at things that have already been changed and injecting uncertainty into changes that have been made.  Do you need to raid to get some runes?  Blizzard said yes, now they say no, but will they change their mind again tomorrow?