Corehound Puppy

As I mentioned at the end of the last post, I did indeed find a corehound puppy waiting for me once I downloaded the 3.3 patch (via FilePlanet yet again) and logged in.

This is Blizzard’s reward to those who use the Blizzard authenticator, or so they say over at

Though as noted elsewhere, logging in was a bit of an issue, at least on one of the servers on which I have characters.

Anyway, on logging in, I had mail.

The puppy itself is… um… a bit odd looking.  But then puppies are often awkward and have to grow into their looks.

Vikund and puppy

He certainly seems to be the most active pet I have so far.  He jumps around, rolls over, sits up and begs, and generally cannot sit still.

The puppy sitting up yet again

The post over at has video of the corehound puppy’s antics.

Anyway, that is one more pet in furtherance of the 75 pet achievement.  Just 23 more to go.

Now I just have to wait for all my addons to get updated for the new patch.  QuestHelper gets flagged as “broken” even when I have WoW load out of date addons.  There is always something.

4 thoughts on “Corehound Puppy

  1. Wilhelm2451 Post author

    What is this, the patrol? And it is Curse, not Cursed you noobs!

    I know this because I am a PREMIUM member, so bow down before my grandness.

    As of last night, there was no update for any of my AddOns.

    This morning I saw Auctioneer had an update, but that was it.


  2. Rob

    For what its worth, I disabled QuestHelper and after seeing the map/quest system that Blizzard implemented with 3.3, I doubt I will ever go back. Now the out of the box stuff is nicer than the addon ever was for me.


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