Home in the Safe Blue Womb

Being in null sec does change your outlook in EVE Online.

And by being “in” null sec, I mean being there in an alliance with sovereignty, a home station, and such.

There you are surrounded by your friends and allies and it is easy to identify hostiles in local.  All your friends and allies have a blue icon next to their name, while people in your actual corporation have a green one.  These represent the relative inherited standings of the individual pilots.

And if you live in NBSI (not blue, shoot it) space like I do, then it becomes easy to spot the bad guys.  They either have a red icon or no icon at all.

Look, bad guys!

You quickly learn to make the Local channel as big as possible, with the compact view enabled, and to stare at it obsessively while pottering around in your section of null sec space.  All blue means you are safe and happy.  (Unless the intel channel says something is coming your way.)

The only time I hide the Local channel is when I am on a fleet op, and that is because I have been flying logistics lately.  So Local gets replaced with my watchlist which has to include the FC, the main anchor, the logistics anchor, all the important support ships, my +2/-2 logi mates, friends, corp mates, and anybody else the FC might ask us to watch.  I usually add the inevitable person in the totally in appropriate ship (the Typhoon in Tengu fleet, the Caracal in Drake fleet, or the Megathron in welp fleet, just to name a few past champions), because it makes me feel good when someone totally out of place survives.

Megathron isn’t really a welp fleet ship…

But, I feel that, with enough else to which I need to pay attention, somebody else can watch local.  With 100 or more people in the average strat op fleet traveling in a group, incidental reds and neutrals tend to get out of your way or die very quickly.  And once we get near an opposing fleet, FCs are generally pretty good at bringing that to your attention over voice coms. (Fun fact: I have never once spoken on start op voice coms.)

So this method of operation generally sets in pretty quickly.  You get used to the routine of watching local, using the intel channels, and generally staying safe in null sec when you are not actively trying to PvP.  The only thing that still trips me up every so often, 10 months into my time in null sec, is that my own name has no icon, which kind of pisses me off.  Can I set my standings for myself?  Because constantly seeing myself as a neutral is annoying.

But all of that makes going back to so-called high security space really unnerving because it is FULL OF HOSTILES!

Every one of them might be after me!

Who are all of these people?  And what is with the names people choose in EVE?

My friend Gaff, who has been in null sec for a while, used to tell me once in a while about the paranoia that being in high sec can bring on after being in the safe blue womb of null sec.  It is a different world.  Bad guys, aside from the rare awoxer (somebody, usually a DBRB alt, who joins a corp in order to shoot blues in an attempt to sow discord), are easily spotted.

In high sec though, the place is full of GDIs.  And the standings icons don’t make a difference.  That guy with the red tag probably isn’t actually at war with my corp/alliance, so I can’t shoot him.  Meanwhile, some high sec extortion corp might have war dec’d us again, but they could very well show up as neutral in Local.

Which makes trips to high sec a bit nerve wracking at times.  And I have to go there now and again.  I have to buy skills to inject and supplies to be shipped out to null sec as well as contracting over to my high sec alt loot from ratting which I have shipped to Jita so he can sell it.   And, when I know I am going to be offline for a couple of days, I jump to a high sec clone I have with +5 implants to speed up skill training.

Of course, it is that last one that really leads to paranoia.  After a couple of days, I log in and forget where I am for a minute as I panic at being in a system full of hostiles.  Oh, wait, no.  It is just high sec.

And, so long as there is not a war dec in operation, the initial paranoia passes.  But there is always seems to be that moment of alarm when I first arrive and see local looming, and there is always a bit of an edge to things that I cannot quite shake.

At least until I get back to null sec, where I feel safe.

Or, if not safe, at least sure of where I stand with everybody in Local.

10 thoughts on “Home in the Safe Blue Womb

  1. pkudude99

    That’s exactly how it was for me after I moved to null as well. I *hated* going to hi-sec with a burning passion, since “everyone” suddenly looked hostile.

    I actually had a high enough standing with Caldari Navy to have a jump clone right in Jita (or maybe it was Sobaseki, I don’t recall for sure now) so my trips to Jita for purchasing tended to be by clone jump so I didn’t have to undock, or if I did undock it could be in a fast frigate or shuttle.

    It always felt so nice to be back in blue space afterward. That’s actually one of my speed bumps to going back to Eve — I logged out in XCF-8N and have been inactive long enough that my corp booted me, so if/when I return I’ll be a neutral and won’t want to undock until I can join a corp in TNT again. Or simply jump-clone back to hisec, I suppose. But I want to stay in null, so. . . . meh. I’m sure I’ll go back someday, but that day is not yet.


  2. Aufero

    I don’t spend much time in null, (until recently, I was a hisec-only carebear) so my moments of pure paranoia are reserved for lowsec systems. Who is that new name in local? Pirate? Casual ganker? Hostile local alliance? Fellow lowsec carebear? If it’s a new character, are they a scout, or just clueless?

    I guess the clueless bit can be assumed for the person I saw autopiloting an Iteron V through a high traffic lowsec pipeline the other day, but it’s rarely that simple.


  3. Knug

    Come solo into “friendly” WH space. no local. no warning.

    Everyone is out to get you, whether you’re paranoid or not.

    Nothing in losec or null can make you feel as nervous/exposed/alive as working in wh space, especially in a C1 (can’t shut down incoming WH effectively, so no one tries) you never know when you’re being watched cloakily, you never know what ships are getting ready to gank you, you have no idea of numbers, direction, or types. All you know is its just a matter of time until they decloak


  4. Aufero

    @Knug – That’s why I’ve never been tempted by WH space. No local to watch would have me spamming D-scan every five seconds. On the other hand, I wouldn’t need coffee to stay awake.


  5. wokyr

    You can’t set your standing to yourself, but you can put an icon to every other neutrals, just check the neutrals and no standing box on the setting. after that the only name without icon will be you, and so it won’t be an issue anymore. it’s one of the first thing to do when on sov null.


  6. Letrange

    @aufero yep D-scan is your friend – so are probes – if you want to learn d-scan mechanics and hone your probing skills – wh space is the place.


  7. Anonymous

    You could solve the high sec issue by designing an Overview filter which only shows war targets (and shows them as flashy red). It would mean you wouldn’t see anyone else but that’s probably not an issue.

    When the Winter Expansion comes you may wish to also add yellow and red skulls because you will be able to shoot them should you choose.


  8. SynCaine

    Yea jumping out of WH space into known space is scary if you have been in WH space for a long time. Also things like jump-gates and their static nature start to feel weird. How much mass has gone through that gate again, and is it EoL? Wait they don’t work like that do they…


  9. Samuel Flory Silbory

    Yeah the other day my corp decided to move WH systems, and I poped into HS in my Orca for the 1st time in a long while. Out of habit I did the whole hit dscan while I’ve stil got the 30 sec cloak, and experinced a second of massive panic seeing all the wrecks, pos, and ships….


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