Daily Bog Roll 7/11 – Two Ply Edition

We at TAGN, who have apparently started using the royal first person plural, have decided to pitch in and help Tipa while she is adjusting to a new work schedule.  So, we give you the Daily Bog Roll!

It gets readable if you click on it

click to make the text legible

Our top story today: Blogalissimo Francisco Tolbold is still dead!

Or at least he is taking a break from blogging.  Work on Toblopedia has been suspended out of respect for the auteur.  Candle-light vigils have been reported in major cities.

In a change of editorial policy, Syncaine put out a Friday post that did not attack World of Warcraft, but rather defended the standard $15 a month subscription plan in the case of well established, triple-A titles.  Don’t cry for me Rob Pardo.

Potshot, tiring of the “Horse Dialogs,” runs off and actually plays Runes of Magic to see if it is even worth worrying about their cash shop policies.

Scott Hartsman was deported from Ohio or something.  Anyway, he is out of a job.

Eric the Elder Gamer points out that the live team, the team that runs an MMO after it ships, often isn’t the same group that built it.  Wasn’t that Scott Hartsman’s job at SOE?  Anyway, he calls them the “B-Team,” at least when it comes to WoWLive team people commiserate.

Another former EverQuest II guy, Ryan Shwayder, wants to know where all the “social” went in our MMOs.  He has a laundry list of things that have made us solo-nauts in these games and then says that the Copernicus project at 38 Studios is going to fix all of them.  How it will do this though is left as an exercise to the reader.

Chiming in on the Professor Goodbar drama, Gevlon says that winning is everything and the ends more than justify the means.  But he says that about everything.  Meanwhile we find out what the Professor thinks about somebody quoting from his work… though  he uses the word “srsly.”  No word yet on a coconut powered netbook.

Recently some nun said space is boring. (To be fair, I am pretty sure that is church doctrine.)  But Mynxee at Life in Low Sec doesn’t find it boring, though she did find it a bit exasperating being lost in wormhole space.

Meanwhile, Evony (a contraction of “Ever Annoying”) the self-proclaimed “World’s Best Web Game” fresh from its stunningly successful web ad campaign has begun spamming the comment threads of all the cool blogs just to make sure everybody knows they’re still alive and they have this awesome cool game and that it is free forever… or until it shuts down… whichever comes first.

And, finally, Beau Turkey wonders if his relationship with Darkfall ended too soon.  What is the MMO equivalent of the phrase “Booty Call?”

Anyway, go enjoy your free Slurpee at participating 7-Eleven stores.  It is National Slurpee Day.

5 thoughts on “Daily Bog Roll 7/11 – Two Ply Edition

  1. Wilhelm2451 Post author

    And, just to head off confusion, “Bog” is/was Brit slang for the toilet, so a “Bog Roll,” at least in my mind, would be toilet paper.

    So no, I did not misspell “blog.”


  2. Tipa

    Wow… This is, seriously, the most wonderful and amazing thing anyone has done for me in the last ten years.

    Thank you. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but I definitely need to do more of it. Without cynicism, snark or sarcasm — thank you!


  3. Wilhelm2451 Post author

    Sure, you say that now, but I’m still trying to figure out if this was a “funny once” or “funny every time” (or “funny at all”) feature. I know I can come up with quite a supply of toilet paper jokes for titles. So in a while you might be wondering how to get me to stop.

    I was wondering if Martzipan was the right character to represent you. But the only other choice, barring LEGO minifigs, was a plastic Lisa Simpson which, while appropriate, has that early-seasons massive overbite and a huge seam along her hairline, making her a bit too post-lobotomy (think “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”) to use.

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed this one. I just woke up this morning and said to myself, “I know what I’ll do today, I’ll make a parody of Tipa’s blog roll!”


  4. Wilhelm2451 Post author

    No, not British, I just read a lot. I finished up the novel, “Piece of Cake” a week or so back and there is a couple of parts where they talk about “the bog” that is out on their staging field.


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