December 2009 in Review

The Site I actually got a few links from sites outside of the norm. pointed my way for the first time, which is saying something given how many WoW blogs there are, when they posted the Lich King Casino Royale Style video. Then Binge Gamer’s The Bender Podcast mentioned and linked to me two […]

May 2009 in Review

The Site Somewhere along the line lost 30K of page views from my statistics total.  Their raw statistics sum up to a number close enough to my own recording of daily totals, but they are missing something in their total pageviews count.  They have been enhancing the stats page over the last month which […]

December 2008 in Review

On Events in 2008 I sit here on the final day of 2008 looking back and saying, “WTF?” Pirates of the Burning Sea set sail, but foundered.  Excellent ship to ship combat turned out to not be worth a monthly fee. Age of Conan should have launched in March because it came on like a […]

What a Difference a Hat Makes

Last week I asked what the most fabulous class was in Middle-earth with an eye towards guiding the creation of my inevitable alt (or alts) on Nimrodel.  The poll, as of this writing, shows the following results: Minstrel            49 Burglar             11 Hunter               8 Warden               7 Lore-master          7 Heavy Armor classes  3 Rune-keeper          1 The minstrel […]