February 2019 in Review

The Site I was away on vacation for a week this month.  Did anybody notice?  No? Well, me being away must have been good because total traffic was up when compared to January.  Not bad for a month with three fewer days.  Of course, it helped a lot that I posted about Burn Jita 2019.  […]

December 2018 in Review

The Site Here we are at the last day of 2018 and the 402nd and final post of the year… unless something big and/or stupid comes up and I feel compelled to post about it before the end of the day.  I think we’re pretty safe though.  Who announces things on New Years Eve? 402 […]

December 2013 in Review

The Site How many extra embarrassment points to I get for misspelling the word “embarrassment” in the title of a post? The usual story, I throw some text in the title as a placeholder, write the post, hit publish, and realize some minutes later that I didn’t actually look at the title.  While I fixed […]

February 2010 in Review

General After an outstanding, record breaking January here, along came February. There is a reason we tend to travel in February.  Even in California February tends to be a chilly, gray month.  Work also tends to ramp up as certain departments finally sober up from the holidays and start making demands, leading to long hours […]